Basis for disdain for Taylor Swift is?

That is not what goddell said. There is a huge difference between a conspiracy and a fabricated relationship (to which I do not believe)
What is the definition of a conspiracy dustin?

Sounds like you’re fabricating one right now. No one here is creating conspiracy theories. Just talking about those that are already in the public consiousness.

A conspiracy theory is different than an actual conspiracy. Again, I don’t understand why you’re making a big deal about this.

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Are you starting the GIF spam again that I previously warned you about? Please don’t. If you’re done with the conversation, just stop posting about it.

Side note, that gif makes me think of Moby from KLOL back in the day.

Why do you consider that gif spam? It is humor. Why are some of you so uptight? Really?
Now KLOL that WAS a great station.

It isn’t spam when you post one. But you typically after posting one continue to post more (typically inexplicable) gifs instead of actual conversation. That’s where it becomes spam. Additionally, when you post several gifs in a row in the same post, that also is spam. Agree on KLOL, starting a new thread about it.

Moby just died a few weeks ago.

He was on 97 Rock here in Houston, unless he later moved to KLOL.

Who brought up conspiracy? Not me…that is why I ask the question in the first place. Did you miss a few posts?

I posted some right wing conspiracy theories, and you flagged them as too political, and now you feign ignorance.

Literally read the whole thread and you’ll get the answer to your insanely silly question.

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Crash Collins, Jim Pruett

Best decal of all time.

This right here should shed a little light on the problem.

That wasn’t the question you posed originally. ior at least not in the way you worded it. However, it is well known some people have conspiracy theories around Taylor Swift so it certainly didn’t need a special introduction in this thread.

That is correct, I did hear he died recently. He was also at KLOL at one point, I don’t know if it was before or after 97 Rock.

Yes, this was the issue. If Chris was trying to say that no one brought up conspiracies in this thread, this post did not make it clear. It made it sound like Chris was accusing Johnny of making up conspiracy theorys out of whole cloth. This post ignores the existence of Taylor Swift/Travis Kelcie conspiracy theories were part of the general public discourse in the USA.

Really, some people would consider this post claiming Johnny has voices in his head telling him things to be a personal attack which is prohibited.

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A post was split to a new topic: Don Felder & the Eagles

See here for more on the documentary.

101 must have been after 97 for Moby, as he was on 97 all through high school for me.

I remember seeing him on billboards in Georgia when he moved the the syndicated Atlanta show.

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What is this hate fabrication?
You keep posting it like you have to. Did you even consider that some people do not like her music or her persona? It seems like you can accept that and YOU and some others like to define it as hate. You, yes you JohnnyCougar HATES it that some people can have their own feelings toward her. What are we machines and have to admire her? What is this? I admire Mother Theresa. She is a Saint. I admire MLK is a saint to me. Honestly I could care less about Taylor Swift. I am glad she is a Billionaire, good for her.
Some people are obsessed with this.

Funny, you keep posting in this thread though.

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