Basis for disdain for Taylor Swift is?


I believe he was making a general statement and not specific to anyone in this case.



The NFL takes advantage of any marketing edge. Any.

Travis Kelce shown onscreen at a TS concert ruined it

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Did your head JohnnyCougar told you there was a conspiracy?
You hear things?
You hear things often?

Apparently, Roger Goodell is hearing the same thing as Johnny.

Did he say it was a conspiracy?
The answer will be no.

What’s with the personal insults?

Read a news story. Plenty of crazy conspiracy theories coming out of this.

Your ignorance is on full display.

You hear things too?

Yes, a yapping little dog. It’s quite annoying. Must be in my head.

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Last time anyone posted actual conspiracy theories, you flagged it and got it removed.

Which is it?

That explains it.

Yes, that describes your visits here.

Are some of you trying too hard to fabricate conspiracy theories?
The answer will be yes.

You really have a reading comprehension problem. The meme Johnny posted said “…and no one thought it was a conspiracy.” Some people clearly do think Taylor Swift and Travis Kelcie’s relationship is some kind of conspiracy. Hence why it was even discussed by Roger Goodell. So, it was not something made up by Johnny or something the voices in his head told him. Why you’re making a big deal out of a silly meme, I have no clue.

When we give you proof, you flag them.