Basis for disdain for Taylor Swift is?

Because I keep reading HATE, HATE, HATE. Seriously this is ridiculous.

It’s not hard to find the hate for her on social media.

So, no one hates TS (according to you) and any mention of people hating her upsets you.

But you couldn’t care less about her. :thinking:

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How strong the word hate means? You always have people not liking someone or vice versa. Big f…g deal. You know what I hate? pedophiles, racists, terrorists, despots, dictatorships of China and Iran, rap putting down women. Oh yes I almost forgot unnecessary movie remakes.

Still I don’t understand why you’re offended. No one said that you hate Taylor Swift in particular.

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Because this 100% overblown. Enough already.

Ok, you could ignore it though. Seems like that would be easier.

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Is it Coogfans spam if JohnnyCougar keep posting “Oh these people hate Taylor Swift” 29 times a day?

Absolutely. However he hasn’t posted the same thing 29 times a day yet or even anything close to that number.

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No hate here.

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You know what else I hate? mad cows u located in Austin for not giving us access to the PUF and not selling the Houston land. Another one, because a human being reaches a certain medical follow ups are not as good as they should be.

Maybe we should pool funds and buy the land.

Have you ever used that word to describe feelings for things you support?

I just looked at who is posting the most in this thread and it’s not Johnny.

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Do I get a guess who’s the winner?


You can go to our football board and under the super bowl thread find people complaining
TS was on screen for 15-20 seconds for maybe 3-4 times during the game. The need for people
to complain about that should tell you that it’s not a fabrication.

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You lost me here Chris; can you elaborate on this other hate of yours ?

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So you don’t hate Dude Wipe commercials? I’m so confused.