Basis for disdain for Taylor Swift is?

Yea, he was hilarious. Never saw him live though. Unfortunately also a scumbag.

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He’s just following in line with the Hollyweird scumbugs, who dominate Hollyweird can you say Harvey Weinstein

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He’s out based on this… Must be nice to be rich!

Get that politics trash out.

I wouldn’t know.

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He is spot on.

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Can you guys just reopen the politics board, seems like a lot of people really miss it.

I don’t even understand why this topic became political

You either like Taylor’s music or you don’t, and you either care or don’t care about Taylor being promoted by the NFL vice versa

wtf does politics have to do with this

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Any topic can be political. Politics ain’t the problem. Lack of decorum is the problem.

Let’s not bark up the wrong tree.

Firstandten gave it as an answer for the question in the subject.

Everything is politic’s in this country, including that ant that took a dumb in your pepper you can’t see


The CD piece may be the funniest part. :joy:


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Anybody talking emission and then taking private jets is by definition not genuine. This is valid for anybody.

I don’t agree with a lot of Cowherd takes… Or any sports related take usually but this is spot on




Almost anything will involve politics at some point.

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Makes me wonder what silly things bother us. I’ll go first.

Complaining about things that hasn’t happened yet or may not happen.