Anyone want to crowdfund a plane banner?

Drama? Our fans are so full of drama, ready to pack it in after 2 B12 games that we waited 26 years for!
Look at P5 fans that show up year after year of losing football, and sell out the stadium like Nebraska. You don’t see them pulling a stunt like this. Or an SEC team that loses to App. St… It is college football, be a fan, lighten up, support your alma mater. I get fan is short for fanatic, but we are in the weeds as far as drama on this board., but I dig it.

Go Coogs!


I’ve witnessed this “stunt” in Austin. It happens more often than you think!

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Prob not good to do the banner. It prob backfires and makes things worse. The admin will work it out but not bc of a banner.

I wouldn’t do and waste the money


Why do you keep saying “after two games”?

This BS garbage coaching has been an ongoing thing with Dana….this is year 5 and things have gotten worse….

We couldn’t even beat RICE!!! What has that got to do with two Big 12 games….

If you truly think we are “whining “ because of a couple of games then you are truly lost.

Did you see Dana quit with at least ten minutes left in the game?
If you didn’t then you don’t know what good football looks like…
.if you did, but still want him as your coach then we have different ideas of success.


Do NOT tempt me

Just chant it during the game. Heck, chant it during the November 11th basketball game since football is the same day!

Instead of a banner you could organize the fans to chant FIRE….Dana……Fire….Dana….

I’d bet you $100 that you would see some players on the sidelines have a positive reaction.

I agree it might make them dig their heels in even more. I would recommend a group of alumni meeting with each of the regents (other than Tilman).

I am as fed up with Dana as all of you. And as I predicted, the pollyanas are blaming attendance instead of Dana.