Anyone want to crowdfund a plane banner?

I don’t hate the guy. I would just like to see better football. So, no for me.


Some of us from the Yeoman years will remember this.

I wish we could get the Boss Bird to fly over and drop a huge load of index cards that have “Fire Dana Holgorsen” printed on them.

“Airing out our dirty laundry to the rest of the country”


You think the rest of the country doesn’t notice the sh!t show that is our football program right now?

We are so lucky for Kelvin Sampson.

We would be sitting where Memphis is.

And, if we don’t get this turnaround quick, and not dig the hole even further for the next guy to get out of…

Realignment isn’t over.


As if I’m on a UTSA board. I’m sure many fans of teams all over the country are so intrigued with UH that they’re coming on to coogfans in unprecedented numbers.

In for $100

What a stupid idea.


So, if that is “stupid” then how do we get the attention of the administration when they just trash our emails, and don’t take our phone calls. We’ve already paid for our tickets so we are only punishing ourselves by not going. Do we make up buttons that say Fire Dana, or chant fire Dana during the game? please let us know what we should do to get the administrations attention.


It’s almost 2024. Can’t we just visually project it into the stadium or hack the scoreboard now?

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no…it’s ok to vent here but don’t embarrass the players like that

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How does “Fire Dana” embarrass the players?? lol


They’re out there on the field playing for us and he’s their coach. They chose to play for him right or wrong. How is showing up the players like that a question?


lol “Fire Dana” says nothing about the players.

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Word is half the team is planning to transfer after this year.


I was waiting for a mass redshirting at players’ request

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whos word?

I got it - drone show where the drones synchronize to form all of dana’s embarrassing quotes - to include such hits as “I CAN’T COACH THIS SHT!!" and “I AIN’T TAKIN’ RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT!!” and who could forget "FUK OFF!!” - culminating in a glowing red “#FireDana”.


I mean we where able to raise 13k for Alton McCaskill last year. 4k is doable.

You fly this on National TV on Thursday night, our fans will be the laughing stock of college football lowlifes. EVERYONE moving up to the B12 struggled their first few years, heck Baylor did not win a B12 game for 6 years! Kansas was bad for years, KSU was bad, TCU was bad, Iowa St. was bad. Cinci and UCF will struggle to. Smith is looking better just two games into B12. Just hope you do not piss off Tillman enough that he packs it in.

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”laughing stock of college football lowlifes”….

“Piss off Tillman enough that he packs it in”
