2023 Transfer Portal

Spot for Dedan or bring in another transfer?

Dedan IMO is that good.

That’s your future point guard for the next 2-3 years….


We need another big….if we don’t add another one and Roberts were to be injured it could sink the season….

Lots to consider.


Mom says we have gypsy blood… Lol

Olivier Nkamhoua

Is he a Michigan Lean?

I’m hoping for someone big big. Idk. Hopefully we find out soon and we fill all scholarships. No point in keeping one open.




In my opinion you have to do everything in your power to have the greatest chance of winning pretty much every season. In our case for the upcoming season that’s adding a stretch 4/Big 5.

Dedan is very good but in my honest opinion I don’t believe he will reclassify. Some have pointed out that we need Shead to mentor him for a semester but that will happen regardless. Look at what Galen has done for our youngsters and many others. I’m sure Shead will reach out and know Dedan.

We need that big. If J’wan is the same and Francis doesn’t have his break out then our Frontcourt will be worse next year. And it wasn’t even that strong this year.


walsh has to be gone or this makes no sense…
devo davis hinted he wants to come back, but he might be gone too…

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Muss running with the NIL spaghetti philosophy… Throw it all against the wall and see what sticks…


Yeah, i see Walsh leaving. Even with a high 2nd round grade.

If you’re Derrian Ford & Joseph Pinion. What are you doing staying? You just got recruited over

Both players from Arkansas. And not scrubs either

Derrian Ford was #78 in Class of 2022. (UH offered)

Joseph Pinion was #106 in Class of 2022

I guess Arkansas is over correcting for scoring and shooting from this year sheesh. Mark’s move now really makes no sense.

There are a lot of mouths too feed with that roster. I was reading where they were looking at him as a defensive stopper in a lot of Arkansas reporting.


The tiny little piece of my brain that has a glass half full mindset tells me that CKS has seen more than be expected out of Lath and he’s gonna be a surprise beast next season.


That would incredible and most welcomed.

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@Joprior23 @bjjackson1988 told me otherwise :writing_hand::weary:

We lacked such a true 4 man… Leaving a big hole imo. No need to punt the season like that.


I am getting flashbacks of last offseason of everyone wanting a Big from the portal :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Last year was different. We had Jarace Walker coming in. Having a big man would of been a luxury. This year is more of a necessity.


and we’re getting one, right?

I hope so… Because if we dont its like taking two steps forward then taking one step back.

I just wouldnt put all my marbles on the in-experience big men coming off the bench. And also putting all your marbles in a TA & Roberts front court going foward to the Big 12 would not be smart considering how big teams are there.

Just look how big WVirginia has gotten w/Edwards.


Myles Stute to South Carolina.

There must be a Carlton in that stack of centers Pesik posted earlier…