2023 Transfer Portal

Man, this is all so exciting. lol

These bigs around the country are absolutely stupid to not see the hole sitting in our roster for them in the last half century.
If they come in we are a guaranteed championship contender.


I dont think Emmanuel Sharp is starting after some posters were saying he was lol.

Francis is in for next yr. No doubt

The question now is Mylik Wilson. Been pretty quiet on social media

Ramon Walker, has not been. Which shows hes invested in this team


I’ve never seen Mylik post anything like that on social media. Doesn’t seem like a vocal guy and keeps to himself and his teammates. I want him and Ramon to stay but unfortunately isn’t likely.

I will say, with Shead, Cryer, Dunn, Sharp, and Arceneaux will Ramon be able to find playing time?

Yeah, noticed that throughout this season. Doesn’t post on IG alot

But, next year will be his 5th year in college basketball. (2 at ULL, 1 at Tech, about to be 2 at UH)

He is supposed to be backup point next year. But hes a quiet dude. Our point guards are typically pretty vocal (Galen, Jarreau, Shead)

Not just social media, but on the sidelines last yr. Seemed pretty reserved.

Not rooting for him to leave, just my thoughts on his role


Just don’t know what the plan is. Some posters on here mention moving pieces and we’re going after a PF. But at this time in previous years guys who transferee already left (excluding Powell)


Sidenote: i’m willing to bet it’s not actually a statistically poor shot comparatively when given the multiplier of our increased OR % on midrange. For teams at or below the 31% OR rate, yes, but for a team that can rebound 40% of midrange misses, that drastically increases the value of that shot multiplied over the course of the game.


so are we expecting anyone else or are we done?


Funny how that worked out with Tramon.


I was going to make a joke how we shed 1.4k from our salary cap lol


Don’t forget about Kordel. I wonder if he redshirts. I think we’re gonna be taking it easy on recruiting for the next couple of seasons. I know we have Mercy coming in next year and maybe Dedan. If Shead and Cryer both leave next summer, does Dunn stay? That leaves us with Sharp, Dunn, Kordel, Mercy, Ramon, TA (G/F), and maybe Dedan. Be great if Sharp could take on more PG duties so we can start Sharp, Dunn, TA, Jojo, and McFarland/Lath.

I think hes going to surprised! I think Tugler & Jefferson can be contributors for depth!

McFarland & Lath may see sparingly minutes. McFarland is a shot blocker so hopefully he puts in the weight.

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exit Wilson / Walker enter a 5th “big man”.

gotta happen.


I hope everyone stays for their COVID year :crazy_face:

So, we are full. But

Cryer is testing the NBA waters
Everyone wants a plug and play big man

The situation appears fluid.



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In today’s college basketball world, the turnover is so great from year-to-year, you have to recruit a better replacement for your current roster every year. That is not realistic every year for every position, but that is the mentality coaches need to have. Very few players are immune from getting replaced. You could argue if a player is good enough to be immune, he should be declaring for the NBA Draft, he has to be that good.

The coaches’ commitment needs to be with the program and not with an individual player. Harsh, yes.

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