2023 Transfer Portal

Coach firing is a waiver reason

Not according to this


Aidoo is not in the transfer portal but he has until May 11, 2023 to jump in.

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Thursday, April 13, 2023 is the last day a college player declaring early for the draft can request an evaluation from NBA Undergraduate Advisory Committee.

didnt realize they made new transfer guidelines… but from what i read online its the same as the old system in which the deciding factor is if your old school approves

I am just a lowly high school coach but my guys have been coached to NOT shoot mid range shots.( there are some exceptions but not many)

We play an inside/outside game and do a good job of getting guys open from three.

Play to your strengths.


But I thought I was special!!!


me personally im not a fan of the mid range either… but as just fan of the program, sampson likes midranges and encourages the player to do it…so i tend not to fault our player for shooting it… or try to neg their stats that will reflect poorly for shooting the mid range … jamal is probably going to be the mid range guy next year

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Yes please :pray:

(Will it happen, unlikely) Im sure there will be many suitors interested



1.9 blocks per game this season

A pick & roll, lob threat with Shead.

(Lets check who his top 6 was in HS)

Top 6: Kentucky, LSU, Florida St, Georgetown, Georgia, Memphis

3 of these places have had coaching changes recently, lol

He announced it on his Twitter. So its legit




we need depth in big man do we not?

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One tough sisse.

I know people want a big to man the paint but indications from people that we will be getting a PF that hasn’t hit the portal yet that will stretch the floor.

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Would i rather have Arceneaux play some stretch 4 & have Cisse as your 5 man in a small ball lineup. I would.

Your PF/4 man rotation being: Roberts, Tugler, Arceneaux

We’re not starting Roberts at the 5 next season. So that means its Javier as a starter. Whos a wildcard to me

Just my opinion…

I know bringing in another 5 man, would guarantee 0 minutes for McFarland & Lath


Im with you Gerald. Lets celebrate getting Dunn and just ignored the negative nancy’s. Dude can shoot and its all that matters :writing_hand:

Mike Boynton maybe on the way out in Stillwater if he doesn’t make the tournament this year

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Agreed. Next year is his 7th year at OSU

Only 1 NCAA tournament. (Had Cade Cunningham)

Guy can really recruit, but they just don’t score the ball well enough

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Kadin Shedrick down to 5 schools (transfer from Virginia)

There’s an ebb and flow with successful programs. Sometimes that have a rough cycle. But great programs come back again and again. So thankful for Fertitta and that beautiful stadium. I’m hoping we can stay top 20 for the rest of my days



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