WW2 History

I wanted to start a thread about World War 2 history because I’ve always loved reading and learning about how the Allied countries came together to defeat Hitler’s fascist Nazi Germany.

One of my favorite books on this subject was “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” by William Shirer. It’s a fantastic book written in 1960 and considered one of the most accurate and well sourced books on the subject I highly recommended.

The book quotes lines from Hitler’s Mein Kampf and alludes to his “poisoning the blood” line. This particular line in Mein Kampf, the book argues, was the cornerstone to Hitler’s entire world view and political philosophy that cultivated a rise in toxic populism that resulted in the death of millions of Jews.

Any thoughts on this matter? Or other matters pertaining to World War 2? I love discussing history. If you have other WW2 book recommendations, please share away. I’d love to get some new reading material during my time off.

edit to add: I wanted to include a link to the book

I know my dad always enjoyed reading WW2 history. I got him this book a couple years ago

Band of Brothers is a great WW2 book. Also, The Splendid and the Vile is a great perspective on how Churchill handled the days leading up to the US joining the war and the anticipation of the impending attack by Nazi Germany. Great reads.

The Filthy Thirteen.

I bought this book on layaway with my caddy money. $6.82.

Still have it

Shaara’s series is an enjoyable read

I’ve read a lot of books on WW II, but maybe the one that struck me the most was a kind of psycho-biography of Hitler, which also detailed a lot about German culture and how he was able to take advantage of deep-rooted cultural ideas and seize power.

I was also mightily impressed by Speer’s Inside the Third Reich.

For more on the Third Reich, Richard Evans’ trilogy is excellent.


