Wow! I'm a BIG pro-guns guy, but even I don't go THIS far

I just heard that the USSC overturned a ban on bump stocks.

I guess Congress will have to pass legislation to that effect, since an ATF action apparently isn’t enough.

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They might as well just follow it up with killing the Chevron Doctrine today. I mean why would I want a policy expert or at the very least someone who knows what that they are talking about making rules. When I can have a dancing monkey in Congress or the bench do that

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Supreme Court is legislating if you want to call it that or not, but that’s what there doing. You got 6 up there who want to legislate not review which is their charter, against the other 535 in the Congress.

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Are bump stock the apparatus that converts low caliber rifles into pseudo automatic rifles?

I mean semi-automatic into defacto automatic, but yes outside of that correction you have the point

Yeah, outside of party tricks out on the deer lese, i dont see the point in wasting ammunition and being less accurate

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Well the other point as made in Vegas is to unload as much ammunition into a mass gathering of people as possible. You know where accuracy doesn’t really matter too much.


I think America should see the crime scene photos of dead children in these schools. Look at what the muzzle velocity of these weapons do to the bodies of children. See what these things can do in the hands of the wrong people.

THEN we can have theoretical and constitutional debates about certain fire arms.


No one needs a bump stock, it’s just a way to get closer to a full auto. It does nothing to increase accuracy, and simply just sprays rounds quickly.


There ruling their on Cloud 9, their interpretation of the laws and their philosophical beliefs instead of common sense rationality and not realizing their rulings have real life consequences for the American people.

While I hope it never happens and do not advocate for it. I feel like those in power who oppose these things would change their mind if they were in fact personally effected by these things. Let them bury the mangled corpse of those they love, I bet minds change then.

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I wonder if Hunter Biden could take his case to SC. Not letting people on drugs buy firearms is against the 2nd amendment

Sandyhook was that moment but they shook it off and decide it was just part of the way we live now.


My experience was seeing a handful of sante fe students come into utmb clinic for their checkups. They were ruined by that experience, each of them had a 1000 yard stare. It was sad.

Watched the swat trucks go by, that was my reality moment.


The photos from Emmett Till’s open casket funeral certainly opened a lot of eyes in this country.

I think you’re absolutely right, because nobody want to see those photos.

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