Oiler inspired uniforms for Football and Soccer. Could this happen with basketball this year? We have already made a throwback uni. I know they could do this but will they?
There seems to be a thing to get the city involved with UH more. Our game at Toyota vs. A&M could be the perfect opportunity to get more eyeballs from Houston cheering for the coogs.
I actually like this even though it is nothing to do with UH Basketball. But if not this make a red elvin Hayes jersey and wear them more.
I think black and green are cool colors. We should do that. But green and purple like the Utah Jazz looks surprisingly good. I would go for that. Then we connect with the BYU and UofU people.
Actually, the Columbia blue was a tribute to the city of Houston’s anniversary. It is the city color, and happens to be the color of the Oilers. But, I am all for Phi Slamma Jamma throw back jersies.
Maybe too much of a good thing. No need to celebrate the Rockets because they are still here. One of the great things about the columbia blue jerseys was the nostalgia it created for a beloved team that was taken away from the city.
As I mentioned in an earlier post. Tribute jerseys, once a year max. At this point its more about selling new merch, than a tribute.