Will we see this for UH Basketball this year?

Oiler inspired uniforms for Football and Soccer. Could this happen with basketball this year? We have already made a throwback uni. I know they could do this but will they?

There seems to be a thing to get the city involved with UH more. Our game at Toyota vs. A&M could be the perfect opportunity to get more eyeballs from Houston cheering for the coogs.

I actually like this even though it is nothing to do with UH Basketball. But if not this make a red elvin Hayes jersey and wear them more.


It would be cool to see the dark blue pin striped inspired jerseys from the Steve Francis era…


We rocked Phi Slama Jama retros last year and they were pretty sweet. Hope they roll them out when we play one of our former SWC rivals.


Oiler uniforms for Cougar basketball? Don’t want to see it.

Rockets style, maybe.


I know but I only ask because they did it for UH soccer

I thought that was just the goalie jersey.

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I don’t know. But they did it

Now imagine Sharp and Cryer draining threes in something like that in the Toyota center

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Pads and helmet would interfere with seeing the whole court and impact shots.


I am beside myself with excitement to see the Astros throwback uniforms for both football and basketball.


Just stop it. Basketball will not do anything with a nfl football theme. This was just a silly question.


For basketball, it HAS to be the ketchup and mustard looks of the 90s championship Rockets teams



I think black and green are cool colors. We should do that. But green and purple like the Utah Jazz looks surprisingly good. I would go for that. Then we connect with the BYU and UofU people.

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We could do the old 94-95 Rockets uniforms. White with red and gold trim. Houston at an angle on the front.

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This is gross now.


Actually, the Columbia blue was a tribute to the city of Houston’s anniversary. It is the city color, and happens to be the color of the Oilers. But, I am all for Phi Slamma Jamma throw back jersies.

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Maybe too much of a good thing. No need to celebrate the Rockets because they are still here. One of the great things about the columbia blue jerseys was the nostalgia it created for a beloved team that was taken away from the city.

As I mentioned in an earlier post. Tribute jerseys, once a year max. At this point its more about selling new merch, than a tribute.

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Just don’t lame out like this…