Which Coogs are coming back?

Met her very briefly in KC. She represents the UNIVERSITY in the very best way possible.

Expect Dunn news soon.


I heard transfer portal.


Had we not canned CDH Iā€™d be in the football fans portal. Donā€™t worry though I wouldā€™ve never signed with Baylor


Just my theory on whos leaving/whos staying:

*When guys just stop posting on their Instagram. Especially UH related material

*Shead :white_check_mark:
*Ramon :white_check_mark:
*Sharp :white_check_mark:
*Arceneaux :white_check_mark:
*Francis :white_check_mark:
*Roberts :white_check_mark:
*Tugler :white_check_mark:
*McFarland :white_check_mark:
*Jefferson :white_check_mark:
*Lath :white_check_mark:
*Cryer :white_check_mark:

*Dunn :x:
*Mylik :x:

Now Shead, Cryer, Roberts could still leave. But, main point is nothing from Dunn or Mylik today UH related

Everyone on the team was sharing this on IG. Except for a few :thinking:


Man I could never be a coach. Itā€™d break my heart if Mylik transferred after saying he hoped to play at UH next year


@Footballer13 it sucks. But i think he was taught some good values here that can help him excel elsewhere


canā€™t explain why, but i feel like jā€™wan is staying for the year. that would be big for us; big man with veteran experience is incredibly nice for the structure of next yearā€™s team


Man I hope you are right that would be amazing. There would be no open scholarships in that scenario with Miller and McCarty coming in as freshmen.

I think Roberts is the most likely to stay because I donā€™t see him being a NBA prospect as a undersized 4 with no outside shot in this 3 point happy era.


no one wants to be the villain but ill be the villainā€¦ im pretty sure shead is goneā€¦ BUT on the off-chance he comes back i dont want that to be the team ā€¦ shead/jwan back is a title or bust season

my previous conversation was just trying to guess who might leave based on context cluesā€¦ but if shead decides to come backā€¦ we have to look in the mirror and realize sampson is old, we have the foundation pieces in for a title ā€¦ our bench produced almost nothing offensively last year ā€¦make 2 ships from somewhere, get me a off the dribble scorer (potentially can play pg) and get me a 260lb+ 6ā€™10 center (jr/sr) so we can improve rebounding ā€¦ and lets go win a ship

but i still think shead is gone


@pesik i agree on Shead. Mylik potentially transferring was probably the gist of my post.

And Lj still showing engagement in the program is a good sign

For Shead, i think when you accomplish the things he did. 1st team All American, you leave

Iā€™ll have to check. But most ā€œguardsā€ who receive that honor, dont come back to school.

Even with NIL. Your stock is probably as high as its gonna get

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Sheadā€™s stock can only go down and not based on his play its based on his age. The NBA holds it against guys the longer they stay in school.


this is closer to the uncomfortable truth rather than being the villain lol

all the teammate quotes about shead not being here is kind of telling, but if we had an offseason miracle we definitely have to see if we can patch the last few holes via portal bc itā€™ll be a while before we have another team as loaded as next years team if both of them returned

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Gonna be a pessimist for a second. I feel like we never get these ā€œtop 10ā€ guys. Jarace seemed like an anomaly. Iā€™m not complaining because we do well with the talent that Sampson does bring in, but UH football and basketball recruiting usually has us in the top 5 landing spots for some absolute baller but we never get them.

I hope I eat crow.


At some point you just gotta stop responding to people like this. You put them in a corner and they just want the last word. Internet arguments are maximum levels of stupid. 99/100 people reading this thread will side with you on the topic being discussed.


Underrated comment


Lately Iā€™ve had a bad feeling about Arceneaux. My gut thinks he transfers.

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Like a throbbing toothache kind of feeling, or worse. :grin:

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