What if remaining PAC 12 teams merge w/ Big 12 teams?

West divison: PAC 12 teams (Arizona, Arizona State, Cal, Colorado, Oregon, Oregon State, Stanford, Utah, Washington, Washington State) plus BYU.

East division: Houston, Central Florida, Cincinnatti, Baylor, Iowa State, Kansas, Kansas State, Oklahoma State, TCU, Texas Tech, West Virginia.

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22 teams is probably too much

“And they said I was the dumbass…”

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I don’t think you have to worry about UW and Oregon being apart of the equation. Otherwise it’s not insanity. Though if I could leave out Wazzu and the Beavers I would

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22 is too much. But the first rule of fight club is…have a 4-team buffer in case the pirates are lurking.

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There is no scenario where adding Washington State and Oregon State makes any sense…if we can get Udub and Oregon then osu and wazzu become redundant as well as smaller markets and lesser programs…if Oregon and Washington go to the B1G then the cougars and beavers are still the least attractive pac leftovers. I think those 2 schools are on their way to the MWC.

Agree here. I see no benefit to the Big 12 adding Oregon St or Washington St.

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Cincy, WVU and UCF to ACC. Add SDSU to the new Big-12/PAC-howmany? That would make 18, I think. It’s hard to keep up with counts with all of this moving.

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