Volleyball team rocks


Appreciate it! Great win
.gutsy last five points when things started to go a bit south.


That was fun to watch.



It’s a new era of Houston Cougar sports. We no longer have to fear these clutch moments and I credit the basketball team for starting it.


Go Auburn! (Don’t want them to face the host school.)

Maybe a bit of that Astros magic spreading to us?

I like to think a little bit of that Coog magic spreading to the Astros. :wink:


Any video of that knee injury I didn’t see it as I was watching it live

I’m glad they didn’t fully lady Coog’d it. Fun match


I don’t think they’ll play it. It was hard to make it out live. I was actually wondering why we didn’t get the point because I thought she had just fallen across the line on a contested point at the net.

I think we lost some of our focus after relatively easy wins in the first 2 sets. The injury with the ensuing delay also came at a point when we had some momentum. Main thing is we win and advance


Auburn upset Creighton. Suddenly I like our chances of advancing a little more.


If nothing else, we don’t have to play against a team that has home court advantage. Sunday evening should be more great viewing.

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Good job ladies!

Hats off to Abbie Jackson also for getting the ball over the net in bounds and making KG’s effort pay off.

Just to clarify: The Auburn game is Saturday night at 6:30.

I’d assume it’s ESPN +, but the UH site doesn’t show any telecast as of right now.

Sounds like a great doubleheader–volleyball at 6:30 followed by MBB at 8:30.

I guess the money for the tourney isn’t enough to allow the players to stay an extra night in a hotel.


hmm. rice lost to baylor, if the coulda won, couldve set up a final four match between rice and coogs, woulda been a great story for houston in general

I think that the nation’s #1 basketball team actually plays tonight, Saturday the 3rd, on ESPN 2.

When I looked at the UH website this morning, it confirmed the Auburn game Sunday evening is on ESPN+.

Fun weekend.

Michael, I believe Houston versus Auburn is tonight. All sites I have looked show it tonight.

Thanks. I am the one utterly confused. I assumed (and, yes, i know what that makes me) that the big dance did not schedule back to back days.