How anyone can interpret free tuition for low income kids as a negative is just so sad. Jeez.
Did anyone say that?
Hell, I even asked if we could do the 100K per year free tuition thing as well.
I don’t see UT becoming a threat to UH for these lower income family students that live in Houston.
Most of them are probably commuting from their parent’s home because housing and meals are too costly for them.
And fortunately for UH, there is not a traditional UT campus in Houston.
Probably because we had boomer parents!
My parents weren’t quite boomers (they were born in 1943 not 1946), but were pretty darn close!
Well, I still do think this is the case. In fact I think most kids would move out if they COULD.
That being said, I haven’t watched that video but the reason kids aren’t moving is simply because housing and cost of living is just way too expensive.
The baby boomers were the luckiest generation in American history. Older Generation X were the second luckiest. The millennials have absolutely gotten screwed, and Gen Z are dealing with the long tail.
As far as UH’s concern. We do have many kids living on campus. However, there isn’t just enough incentives for commuter to either live on or near campus. That will change in the future, but for now it’s just not a reality.
I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing, but it’s definitely not going to be this way forever. I think in the future there will be more value in metro universities over traditional college towns. UH’s growth is only going to coincide with these changes especially as the inner loop continues to grow.
I’m not even sure that millennials have gotten “screwed,” per se – we were just born at the tail end of the, like, one time and one place in human history where single-generation households were normalized.
How old do you have to be to be an “Older Generation X?”
Just checking to see if I qualify!
Early 60’s.
The way I see it, Gen X: 44/45-64/65 ish
Hmmm…given that Gen X is usually defined as having been born between 1965 and 1980, NOBODY is “older generation X”…YET!!!
I was born in 1971 for reference.
Yet -
Yes. Or maybe we should just you know, lower the cost of tuition for everyone? I know stupid idea.
Elite colleges had significant drops in Black and Hispanic students this year. Extra funding is meant to help stem the losses.
Yeah, and then your kids end up going to UT
My kids ended up going to U of H as well.
U of H has been a big part of my life. It changed the trajectory of my life completely.
But to his point, the typical story is the kids end up at UT/Baylor/A&M etc.
We are a great school making steady improvements across the board. It’s pretty remarkable. I’m so proud of what we are, what we’ve been, and where we are going. I’m incredibly proud of my school and wear our colors proudly.
It seems some should have gone somewhere else (or couldn’t). The constant demeaning of who we are is very tiresome.
Its the same guys too.
I think that Houston is making excellent strides as being a more of a first choice school.
Coogs need to have Coog families.
Already told the wife that if my kids goes to UH I’ll pay for their education. Anywhere else, good luck.
Partially joking.
People are willing to take out loans to go to school in Austin, but not live in Austin.
Houston doesn’t need to do this. It’s dirt cheap to live near here.