Transfer Portal news 4.0

Memphis adding someone soon. Sounds like it’ll be transfer David Jones

I just double checked to see if these early pre season polls had changed…


Fox Sports #6

HC #4

SI #5

Goodman #4

Nexus #5

These are most updated.

All these and many more think we are pretty good as is…not saying we could not use another piece but we are hardly desperate.


Every preseason poll all summer and fall last year had North Carolina top 3 but go with it if it makes you feel better.

I am not in panic mode like many here and think we will be really good but as of tonight we have bigger flaws on this roster than have had the last 5 years going into season.


It amazes me the red color glasses people have. With the team we have, it will be a struggle in b12. Miracles can happen but literally it will be that. Francis was more a lower half player in AAC, Roberts have been highly inconsistent and I felt that end of the season he was barely there. That’s your front end and some freshmen. Good luck.


The roster is what it is at this point. Coach apparently has no problem doubling down by wasting the last available scholarship in a similar fashion to what he did last year. There’s no sense in bickering about it nothing we say will change that.

But when this team gets crushed on the boards next year and believe me they will, I don’t want to see coach on the sideline throwing his hands up and down expecting more from his undersized guards or Francis and the backup Freshmen bigs being manhandled down in the paint.

Between having no size and utilizing players like Cryer who are known for poor defense, next years team might have to shoot it especially well in order to win big games which for any Sampson team is a realistic concern and potential disaster.


Y’all keep talking about Francis “starting”… I don’t think he’ll be starting games for us…

We’re going to run 4 guards and a big A LOT…

Francis will get his time in but this is why we’re ranked #5… Nothing to do with Francis or a possible big man from the portal…


And if J’Wan can get his game to look like a little more like this… :wink:

We’re gonna put up points next season!

J’Wan is not a stretch power forward all of a sudden. Yall are going to be in for a rude awakening. Ill kiss some ass if im wrong :writing_hand:

What’s your point?

We’re not North Carolina….Every year we have been picked high and every year we have proved we belong if not even more so….so kinda dumb to compare UH and CKS to an underachieving team from year….

That’s the “data” you sent with? Lol

So I’ll go with that because “it make me feel better” and I have absolutely ZERO reason to not believe CKS will have them at the top.


But Kyle, what you posted doesn’t mean anything because North Carolina was ranked in the top five last year and they were not good after all. :joy:

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What “amazes” me are the people such as yourself who are all gloom and doom….
What has CKS done to make you think “it will be a miracle” for the team to do well this season?

Have you scouted every team in the Big 12 thoroughly to know this team will “ struggle” in the Big 12? Lol
You know more than all the guys that do study all of the teams and do this for a living…you know more than coach?

By your posts and others like you, you have decided in all your infinite wisdom that you are smarter than a hall of fame coach and his staff.

Your post is comical…Are you going to watch the games and hope the Coogs lose so you can say told you so? :joy:


But we have CKS… :wink:

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Sounds like we need football season to start so we having something legit to gripe about. Good Lord, people!



I don’t doubt that we’ll run smaller lineups with Arceneaux at the 4 but Sampson said in his interview with HRR that J’wan is moving back to the 4. So who’s starting at the 5 besides Francis?

Francis is going to start. We will play some smaller limeups but we will start with a center and power forward on the court


That’s what Sampson said in an interview


Francis will start and betting we will have just what we need to blend with an elite and deep set of guards. Hope they stay healthy or we get young in a hurry.


Guards have a whole lot of experience and depth. But one big goes down and it’s going to be shaking.

Side note. Everybody gains weight/muscle at a different pace depending on body type. An outliner for our front court next year could be if McFarland gains weight faster like Taze did. Taze gained 21 pounds in like 2 months. Now that’s very difficult but if McFarland got up to 225 then he might make a strong push to play. Right now he’s at 205 which is just way too small for somebody 6’10-6’11. Sampson has said he’s a projected starter on a championship level team that’s how good they think he will be.

Also McFarland touch down on campus yesterday


I think we’ll run more minutes with a 4 G , 1F line-ups, like Miami did to beat us, next season than Francis will get minutes… But that’s just my opinion.