The Improbable Tale of 100-6

While the anniversary of the game is in late November, tomorrow’s game marks 50 years since we beat Tulsa 100-6. I spent a few weeks putting together this look at that game:


So it was revenge for a loss the year before. The precedent is there. Let’s beat Tulsa by 60+ tomorrow!


I was there for the game. Brought this beautiful nurse with me who I was interested in and before the half she keeps bugging me to leave because Houston looks so much better. I tell her, no, games can change and lo and behold, Tulsa scores in the 2nd half. We then start our TD run. By the end of the 3rd quarter, I’m starting to salivate. Towards the end of the 4th quarter, I’m jumping up and down and drooling all over the place from the massacre. I can only remember the haunted, scared look my date gave me as she kept telling me we should go because Tulsa was beat. I kept looking at her like she was crazy. Needless to say, I never saw here again. I still remember the shocked looked on her face at my cheering the 100th point.


I am thinking it was the drooling that threw her off … lol


You dog…you…(lol)…

This game gets a lot of play because we scored 100 points. The 95 we scored on SMU with the Run and Shoot was totally different. SMU didn’t belong on the field with us, it was just a few years after the death penalty for them. But they were more ticked off about Notre Dame who had a player run out of bounds with no one around him a few yards from the end zone.

BTW the record for the worst score was Georgia Tech 220 to Cumberland 0. They played 8 minute quarters in the second half. And the coach for Georgia Tech was John Heisman, yea the guy they named the trophy for but he never got any grief for the 220 point game.


Rice beat SMU 146-3. And yet they complain about 95

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Says who? “He did everything he could to keep the score down after the game was settled” - Forrest Gregg. He also said that the compassion was “the honorable thing to do.”

Thats quite a different quote than after our game. “For someone to try to build their stats and build their reputation against a bunch of freshmen . . . I hope they really feel proud of their accomplishments,” Gregg said.
“I don’t really appreciate that. There is not a whole lot I can do about it, but it is just an experience you remember.”

Now Pardee said Notre Dame should been investigated for point shaving, the line was 54. ND won by 53. A few have said ND shouldn’t have quit. But most said ND showed mercy

The players interviewed in the Pony Excess 30 for 30. They said something to the effect of “running it up would have been preferable to that.”

Then again, two minutes later the same players were bitching about how bad Houston ran it up against them.

So who knows.

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I was at the game also.

Let’s see, it is 93-6, 30 seconds to go in game… and you PUNT the ball !!!

When the guy punted the ball, the Tulsa players headed to the sideline. Our returner took off, stopped short of the goal and turned around because he thought the play had been blown dead.

No, Tulsa was just DEAD !

SMU, the school, deserved to have their asses handed to them !!!

Still do !!

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I too was at the game and to this day I don’t feel bad that we scored 100 points. We played everybody on the team and thoroughly kicked their ass. So be it. If somebody beat us that bad I would figure we didn’t play well and deserved it.
Come to think of it, our 100-6 victory and the “outrage” that followed may have signaled the beginning of the PC day’s because shortly thereafter came the “everybody is a winner” and “both teams get a snow cone” movement which probably led us to the pathetic place we are today.
See, we should have made Tulsa feel better about sucking so dang bad.
I’m praying for a repeat!

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I was at the game and Tulsa gave up early in the 3rd quarter … literally …

If Yeoman could have dressed up the male cheerleaders and volunteers in the student section in unis he would have …

What is embarrassing for Tulsa is that this wasn’t the usual R&S driving up the score on passes …

It was the veer running attack … normally a formation USED to run out the clock … EXCEPT Tulsa like I stated gave up and was no longer tackling

I was at the game and it was a lot of fun. Whether they tried hard or not, Tulsa just wasn’t very good and we were.

Personally, I have grown a bit more than just annoyed at their continual complaining about that game. I would like to do them a favor one of these years - beat them by 107-0, just to help them forget!


“If somebody beat us that bad I would figure we didn’t play well and deserved it.”

Miami comes to mind . . . . .

Good example but Texas State but the hell out of us they just didn’t score as much. Beatings come in a lot of forms from the line of scrimmage to the scoreboard.