The Big Mac Index

$15 to flip burgers? No wonder.

I know how to bring inflation under control. PRINT MORE MONEY. At least according to some in Washington that is what 21 Nobel economists tell us.


Just saw a job advertisement on a Hardees sign coming home from work… Biscuit Maker $14/hr.

How do you figure?
This will lead to more automation. It already has.

Sure, when I do a drive thru order from McDonalds/Chic-fil-a/In-n-Out, all I see are robots in there.

But yea, media talking points.

Fast food, especially McDonalds are already super efficient at using labor. That’s what their whole operation is about.

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No wonder what?

$30,000/year to people feeding you is bad
$30,000,000**+**/year (sometimes just for a two hour concert) to people entertaining you is good?


For everyone who didn’t read it was pointing out how the cost of the Big Mac had risen 40% over 10 years and the CPI is up 22% over 10. So it was happening well before the workers started getting all uppity about there wages keeping up with rising costs.

Ya know. Here’s the thing.

Dems go on and on about how they are party looking to help the poor and working class because of their advocacy of $15 per hour minimum wage. They then point argue that Republicans are for the rich because of their opposition.

The thing that they may not realize is that most working class aren’t interested in working at MackyD’s for $15 an hour as opposed to $7.

That’s not necessarily the selling point to poor and working class voters that a lot of Dems seem to think it is.

For a more detailed explanation, read this. It’s as relevant today as when it was first published in 2016.

Also helps to explain the urban/rural divide.

Why not follow the Scandinavian model? Those countries have NO minimum wage. Just asking!

Here’s a quote from this Harvard educated professor:

“The thing that really gets me is that Democrats try to offer policies (paid sick leave! minimum wage!) that would help the working class,” a friend just wrote me. A few days’ paid leave ain’t gonna support a family. Neither is minimum wage. WWC men aren’t interested in working at McDonald’s for $15 per hour instead of $9.50. What they want is what my father-in-law had: steady, stable, full-time jobs that deliver a solid middle-class life to the 75% of Americans who don’t have a college degree. Trump promises that. I doubt he’ll deliver, but at least he understands what they need.“

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The Scandinavian model is also based on incredibly strong unions and worker protections negotiated. If we operated under that model it would work. But we’re more of a zero sum game capitalism than the Scandinavians whom have figured out to balance the incentives of capitalism ie you take the risk you real the majority of the rewards and get to be richer than the workers. While also having ample protections for workers.

We’re too greedy and not smart enough to figure that out.

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What has Scandinavia given the world with its perfect system?

Did you read the article that I posted from Harvard Business Review?

If so, then what is your reaction? I’d like Johnny’s as well, but I haven’t heard back.

Irrelevant question. Law asked why the Scandinavian countries, though I’m thinking he specifically meant Sweden in this regard, have no minimum wage. The reason why is that the government has no need to pass minimum wage laws. Workees and companies figure it out out without the need for government intervention.

Not Sweden’s job to give anyone, anything. If they do great. They just have a version of capitalism that works really well for a huge chunk of the Swedish population. Which of you’re running Sweden is all that matters, f the rest.

I’m pretty sure that just about every Scandinavian country has no minimum wage. Not sure about Iceland and Finland, but Sweden and Denmark definitely do not have one, and I doubt that Norway does.

After you read that Harvard Business Review article I posted, watch this video from a Danish economist on their “model,” both the myths about it, and the realities.

You are not pointing out that the Swedish low income working class is heavily taxed. That “balances” the country’s tax revenues. Critical point to mention. This is not the case here.

I ask because you guys brought up Scandinavia to try and make the US system look bad, but look at our “flawed capitalism” its given the modern world most of the things it enjoys.

See uhlaw97 we can at least agreen about PragerU. I invite everyone to spend some time on PragerU.

Some of Prager U’s videos are quite informative.

My all-time favorite Prager U. video is this one by George Will.

Dennis Prager is a big fan of President Trump.