Texas Band Culture and Drum Corps

Greetings Coogs!

Thinking of y’all again this week as the Drum Corps International competition invades Texas for 4 big shows, including a regional championship in San Antonio:

“Houston” [Panther Stadium1600 Stadium Dr.Prairie View, TX 77445]; is that even the same PLANET as Houston" LOL

I know big-ass band culture is a big deal down that way. Any of y’all Coogs ever done Marching Band and/or DCI stuff? I discovered it in 1977 at a small show in Edmonton I marched in, and then in 1982ish the Corps out of Denver started up a show in Ogden, UT - my hometown. When I discovered there was a streaming service that covered many events through the season I was ecstatic. [Flomarching].

I highly recommend getting to one of those shows for one hell of a spectacle!

I was in marching band through my Soph year in high school. It’s a lot harder than walking while chewing gum.

DCI was basically nonexistent in Texas until the late 2000s. Glad it finally migrated.

Mark your calendars!