Sad to hear John Noud is no longer with CP. He was always very helpful for me whenever I had an issue. I was glad when he returned from the Rockets. Wish him all the best.
This is first of several. Nunez has said he’s clearing out those who are not fundraisers.
John is super person and great Cougar, just wasn’t delivering from a fundraising perspective.
Would have liked to see if we could have moved him into the head of ticket office role though.
All those at CP are on alert. Old crony relationships aren’t enough anymore.
Thank you for the reason, I know fundraising is priority #1 but you also need staff to handle Cougar Pride members, their problems, and their needs. If you ignore that part of it, you are cutting your nose off at your face. Bad customer service will result in those customers that you already have, and turn them into ex-customers.
It happens every day in corporate America. The emphasis is sales, sales, sales, without any consideration how you plan to service those new customers. The “We’ll worry about that later” rationale.
Yep. If you drop the ball on customer service with CP donors, you won’t have those donors for long or they’ll cut back.
I’ve heard that CP put a hold on tickets that had a balance, even if the balance had nothing to do with tickets. John would’ve overseen that.
I don’t ever want to see anyone fired, so wish him well and moving on.