Shasta on campus

This is my concern about bringing them to games. I know it was done in the past , but was the
cougar given a sedative or something prior to games ? I had the good fortune of seeing the Cougar
Guard take Shasta on occasional walks around campus. It was an awesome sight to see. If only
we had cell phone cameras back in the day.

The habitat and cage needs to be large with faux rock cliffs , water falls, and sound proof indoor
area for the big cat to escape to as needed. 1/4 - 1/2 acre as a minimum imho. Location would be
cool near the stadium and light rail, but I’d personally prefer something in the campus interior.

Edit: Maybe our BoR chair will want to incorporate a nice restaurant as part of the deal to
make it destination type thing.

It would have to be between CP and Entrance 3 by where the students put their tailgate. You can’t put it on the other side of the stadium. No one goes there. Can’t put it by garage because there’s no space.

Also, you have to think. Fertitta offsets his cost by charging to see the animals. Would we be charging to see Shasta VII.

West side of stadium is definitely out imho. North of stadium between the parking garage is
doable, but it would pretty much take up the whole area and I’d hate to lose that. South of
stadium between CP would be my choice or on the east side near Cullen. Actually wish they
would have permanently closed off Cullen in the new master campus plan. I seem to recall that as
an option in one of the much older master plans.

How about at the Athletics Alumni Center with like hamster tubes to spots in Fertita and TDECU so Shasta can watch the teams play?

What about the piece of land on the corner of Cullen and that entrance that leads to the Religion center? Cullen and Cougar Village Drive, directly across the street from Cougar Place Apartments. It’s next to the Cougar Woods dining hall. It’s across the street from the stadium so it’s in the vicinity of gameday events and there seems to be a good amount of space for an enclosure there.
Otherwise, Lynn Eusan Park, where the original was would be cool, for students to look at while going to class.

I know you’re being sarcastic but that would kind of interesting to see :joy:

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Until I see more on what our school is doing re NIL sport-wide funding, I am in the camp that the 4 mil could be better spent in that area at the present time.

Especially if that 4 million is coming out of a donor’s own pockets?

I doubt it would be like before. It would never leave the habitat or appear inside the stadium like before

That would be awesome

Its really up to the people who want to donate for the project. Its thier $

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I doubt we bring the Coog out of the cage for games. Too much liability and that was yrs ago old school. I think we build him a very nice zoo like cage and he stays there like at the zoo.

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TV loves the live mascots and Shasta got a lot of face time during the TV games.

Our last Shasta was ill tempered and hard to handle. My chemistry lab partner was a Cougar Guard, and he’d come to class with bandages covering the deep gashes that Shasta inflicted on his arms and legs. Despite that, he still loved being around Shasta.

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I don’t know if it’s been mentioned but the Aquarium already houses a big cat as an attraction, so Tillman knows a thing or two about it. That said, bring on the greyhounds!

Someone mentioned that

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Baylor isn’t an agg college so we can do it.

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I disagree. Sponsor another Houston Zoo Cougar adoption/recovery. It’s a double win for the Zoo and UH. Having a wild, campus animal would require keeping it well protected from idiots who would knowingly or unknowingly disturb it. The campus is also too open for public access and a wild animal needs professionals around the clock. Could you imagine the insurance premiums? It’s such a huge risk. One major accident and instant lawsuit. If care would require a release of liability, anyone signing is not smart enough to care for Shasta. If the animal needs to be drugged up, that’s not a good solution for the quality of Shasta’s life.

Instead of an on campus facility, why not use the funds to create a zoology degree and let the best students assist in the care for the next generations of Shasta. Have internships/co-ops with the Zoo and help them in their mission. Utilize the 800 acre UH coastal center in the degree to assist in valuable research on animals.

Do something that helps promote the school and not a spectacle. Shasta deserves more respect than that.

Edits: Clarification


Does a zoology program make sense at UH? All this just for a football mascot?

It’s a stretch, but it makes more sense, to me, than having a live Cougar on a campus that doesn’t have zoological professionals or facilities.

I’m of the perspective that it’s either done right, or not at all.

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You must be a lawyer

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