Shasta on campus

This is one of those things that I’m not sure about. I’d like to hear
from former Cougar Guard members to see what their thoughts are
on it today. If they have a different perspective now. It’s been what, about
40-50 years since there was a live cougar on campus so hopefully there are
still a few dozen ex Cougar Guard members out there.

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If Tilman is willing to pay, let’s go.


Seems like from the video that he is and he said it would not be an issue to raise the $.

Eh. There’s a substantial and probably correct school of thought that says zoos writ large are necessarily cruel. There’s a solid chance they go the way of the circus in the next century.

That said, as long as it’s actually a decent habitat, might as well. I wonder how much it would run us to actually rebuild the zoo’s cougar habitat on-campus?

Also, on-campus vet schools aren’t necessary; IIRC Baylor, SMU, UT and Tech all send their mascots to A&M for treatment when necessary.

4 million according to tilman. Also animals live longer in zoos

We really need this to happen. I emailed DR K. I’d put it near the stadium and it would get lots of visitors and make our stadium iconic where students and alumni could visit it.

This needs to happen.

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Tillman and McCall both seem like they want Shasta on campus and other donors have expressed the want. Dr. Khator and the lawyers present seem hesitant for good reason. But idk.

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I emailed Dr Khator and she responded they will decide this nov on the live Coog. She always gets back to me and is great. Y’all need to email her and say you want a live Coog. Don’t be negative. Memphis , baylor and Lsu have live mascots and we need this.

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I saw a show called “Secrets of the zoo” a few times and they actually do many things to preserve species and repopulate them so that they can be reintroduced into the wild if they are endangered. I was surprised by that and see that zoos aren’t only places to make the animals spectacles but they have a lot of that they doing behind the scenes to care for their species.

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They are like cats and need love. We can build a nice cage like at the zoo and I have 3 black cats so I know. It will be awesome to have students and alumni visiting it.

I’m always amazed that so many people don’t realize the purpose of conservation that zoos serve.

If we want future generations to know a world with animals like rhinos, elephants and tigers, we had all better hope for the survival of our zoos.

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I don’t think there is any room by the stadium. The 2 new football buildings already gobbled up a huge chunk of tailgating land, and moving the tailgaters once again will damage the game day experience more than a habitat will help.

There is plenty of room around the stadium. It does not take much room to build a habitat.

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There is room and it will awesome. I think Tillman makes it happen.

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There is room,Tillman wants it so it’s gonna happen. Plus I want it. Unbelievable cool to have Shasta back on campus. It’s gonna be a huge deal. Students and alumni visiting before games, dammm awesome!

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I love cats and have 3. I’d donate for this.

How long does it take to find a cougar? Is there like a waiting list for zoos/habitats for getting one when they are rescued?

The habitat needs to be large and advanced. As for bringing it to games, don’t think that is a great idea. Unless there are big cat experts that say cougars don’t mind the environment with all the people and loud noises.

There are several organizations that rescue big cats from private zoos and ranches. I think one of those orgs brought some live cougars to one of the games a while back

The best course of action would probably be to apply for accreditation with AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) and have them assist with locating one through its network of zoos. That would also create accountability of standards for the facility. Fyi… Landry’s Aquarium is an AZA accredited facility.

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I can find some at HEB sat