Semi-OT Per ESPN: Longhorn found dead in front of Oklahoma State fraternity house day before Big 12 Championship Game

See above where I noted the multople meanongs of funny…:cowboy_hat_face:

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If you ever wondered where this guy went…


It is animal cruelty Sherlock.

Says COULD face an animal cruelty charge…

Haven’t seen anything that has proved the bull was killed for this purpose…

I understood completely, or your post would have been removed with the others that made jokes about the situation.

“Cow” could have been the pet of OSU’s Pole Assassin.


I thought fraternities used Greek letters? To complicated at OSU?

What does this have to do with UH football or UH generally? Please move to politics board.


I know reading is difficult in your old age, but it says “Semi-OT” for a reason

Also its Big 12 football related.

maybe when you grow up you will learn to respect your elders.

There’s a few that don’t, Farmhouse being one of them.

Was said bovine emasculated?

Shoulda taken chalk and drew the crime scene outline on the gtoumd.

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Still Waters run shallow.

Only three do not:

Acacia (which is freemasonic and uses the Freemasons’ acacia branch symbolism)

Triangle (a fraternity chiefly for engineering, science, and architecture students; those are the three points of the triangle)

Farmhouse (a fraternity chiefly for agriculture students)

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Appalling. Despicable. Nothing makes me madder than cruelty to animals. Men who are cruel to animals are known to also behave like this towards spouses and children. I hope this incident follows these four terds their entire lives. Let it be ruinous to them.

The fraternity members did not kill or torture the animal:

“Stillwater Police discovered from a necropsy report that the cow died of disease 36 hours before the incident and that it had not been killed to leave it on the FarmHouse fraternity lawn.”

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These idiots did not kill this cow. What they did is steal a carcass or got a carcass. They should be sentenced to community service. Clean public restrooms for six months. That should teach them.

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I don’t know enough about this story to know if there is animal cruelty but my general rule is if you use a dead animal as a prop or as a punchline, you are scum of the earth and have no decency or respect for life.

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Naw. Comm Svc could be cutting lawns. Send 'em to a rendering plant for 6 months that deals in fertilizers or “organic” supplements. Used to be one across from UH when I was there, get a good S or SE breeze blowing across it and on the campus–its an “experience” you won’t forget!!