Season ticket renewal

$100 option for parking that was free two years ago, for a team that hasn’t sniffed the playoffs in sox years.

And don’t give me the “That’s the B12 for ya” line. Baylor doesn’t charge any parking for any sports, they’ve been B12 since day one.


I think 135 is the minimum for season tickets. I normally get 2 but the problem is I only go to a few games a year.

Chug a lug park……no mas

I won’t be worried about parking this year either


Is there a way for me to not go to games even more?

No, there’s not. :laughing:

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The reason there is no more free parking for baseball games is because of the owner at the McDonalds. He always let the players, families, and those who knew to park over there, free parking. All of a sudden the owner decided that there would be no more of that and called in the towing companies one day when the guys had lifting. They literally towed thirty cars in two hours. It was a complete horseshit move. I think when that happened some idiot in house thought it would be a good idea to screw the season ticket holders over on parking to make a few hundred bucks. It is completely classless


I always parked in the lot across the street behind right field for free.

I didn’t realize that anyone parked at McDonald’s.

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For the whole season? What does that equal out to per game?

More than free.

They should have free parking and giving tickets away until TW is gone.


They should provide free car washes to anyone who stays for at least 7 innings.


Maybe some cocktail waitresses

Complaining about a $100 fee for parking for 25 games is why we stay at the bottom financially and in performance in athletics.



There’s nothing marketable about our baseball program. You’ll have more luck hitting up people for just straight-up $100 donations to CP than you will trying to milk what few ST holders we have for a parking fee.

This also has nothing to do with NIL.

It should be clear to everyone that our CP membership and donations are lacking, but you aren’t going to fix that through baseball parking charges.


While I agree with you, I still think complaining about parking cost that averages to $4 a game pretty silly in 2024. Anyone else remember when it was $4 to park at the Astrodome?

The trees:
Maybe its important to them and $100 is a huge expense.
If you retired 20 years ago its getting tight.

The forest:
The hubris of it in context of the terrible product.
Just another little brick in the wall of tearing down a once great fan base.

Next staff in & baseball marketing
don’t have an impossible task ahead.
Some winning and common sense venue/concession management would help.

Its so nice out most of UH Baseball season & B12 brings fans.
Need @ 500 motre UH fans in the seats per game.


Well, the average cost depends on how often you go. So it’s almost certainly more than $4. In my case, it would be $100. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Can’t you pay per game and it be something like $20?

No , but I remember parking for free behind the RF wall at the baseball games….and that’s when we went to regionals and supers almost every year.


Years ago myself and Michael Bourn of the Houston Astros got our vehicles towed from the McDonald’s parking lot and it wasn’t cheap! Yikes :scream:


This was my point about so much complaining about the $100 for parking

Top Spender : Texas ($22,272,474)
Bottom Spender: Mississippi State ($6,467,166)

Big Ten

Top Spender: Ohio State ($20,253,400)
Bottom Spender: Rutgers ($3,624,816)


Top Spender: Clemson ($15,258,274)
Bottom Spender: California ($3,932,903)

Big 12

Top Spender: Iowa State ($7,551,312)
Bottom Spender: Houston ($2,098,333)

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