Please read the Coogfans rules.
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Simple and Direct. Please feel free to contact if you have any questions. If break the rules then you will be warned. Second Offense you will be given a 30 day ban. Third Offense you will be banned permanently and which can be reviewed by the Coogfans admins.
Other rules:
- Please don’t cut and paste content from other sites. Link and excerpt only.
- Please refrain from insults and profanity.
- While we want you here and want you to be in the community, posting here is a privilege and not a right, we reserve the right to modify or remove any post and/or user for any reason.
Keep in mind:
Just a couple reminders for all of us to consider in these divisive times:
- When you disagree with someone, you can either insult them or persuade them. You can’t do both.
- You can’t persuade someone until they know you understand why they think the way they do. So it’s important to listen before you speak, even when you passionately disagree with what you are hearing.
- Thanks Jeff Berger for the above.