Recruiting discussion: "Diamonds in the Rough"

I’d guess its because you didnt say CMA is the best coach in the country.


Got me curious. What is my stance on this board? What is your stance on this board? Is there a list somewhere of everyone’s stance?

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I get enough of a headache in season arguing on here…I don’t know how you guys do it all year long.

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Some people must be terribly bored.

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Strawman everywhere. I don’t even know where to begin…

Why am I the one having to validate my knowledge on coach’s responsibility and his impact on success? You’re the one who had it all figured out remember? Again, you tell us (people who can reason deductively in regards to the head coach position) , what are his duties? I don’t think you can.

You’re not even remotely close. I’m referring to his recruits as a head coach. You are familiar with recruiting cycles right? His first class was 2017-headlined by Amaud Willis-Dalton (was a true freshman this past season), his second class (recruited during his first year as a head coach) was head lined by Julon Williams-this class are true freshmen starting this spring for EE. Thus my point was why panic about these "diamonds in the rough when his first recruiting class did not play this year, or his second class just made it to campus(if EE) this Spring? How do you know a head coach’s responsibilities for a D1 program when you can’t even figure out recruiting cycles. Dude please stop. It’s over. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Wrong, you can click on my profile ( I think, haven’t tried it yet) and find me being critical of both CMA and CMD. Most notably CMD during the season against Manster54. I know our head coach isn’t perfect, but there also isn’t a need to panic(the premise of this board).

You were supporting the notion that CMA couldn’t recruit. Usually when people support an idea through their response, a stance can be concluded. It’s not rocket science. Is it?

Although CMA’s first season is dissappointing , I am willing to give him lattitude due it being his first season. We don’t know what would have happened if King was the starter from the first game (although he missed a lot of practice due to injury.) Allen was annointed and was going to start regardless.
We had no speed. We became predictable.

That said, when you talk about recruiting and HS Coaches liking CMA, I believe it. However, the 4-5 star guys are always going to go to the P5. We may one day begin getting some, but he is being told about the guys that are 3 statrs and coach’s think they can play at the next level.

If we turn the corner this season and win 9+ and the bowl, end the season ranked and build up from ythere, they will come.
He isn;t going anywhere regardless. But this season with the Grad transfers, the other transfers ready to go and the existing team and an upgrade in coaching, I am optomistic.

Begin with how CMA is trending at UH like Saban was trending at Bama, your point that triggered my response

I pointed out his primary objectives. If he doesnt win and run a clean program, he will be fired. He may have 1000 responsibilities. He may do almost all of them well. But if he doesnt win and run a clean program, none of what he does well matters.

You may think its more complex than that, and his day to day is. But it is as simple as dont do those 2 and he wont be here.

I’m not that dense. lol Nor was I making excuses for him. It’s funny you can understand that those are his primary objectives, but you have yet to categorize what he’s done wrong at the head coach position. I mean, if you’re blaming him for it all, at least be able to specify his own shortcomings. If we go 11-1 this year (as you said in an earlier post^^^^^), don’t be “praising the team”; make sure you praise our head coach, as he deserves just as much credit for winning, as you’ve given him for losing. :wink:

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That’s pretty much where I’ve come down after 40+ years of watching college football religiously. Like Bobby Bowden said, “The team with the best players usually wins.” With a few exceptions, I don’t think we had especially good players last year, and where we were weakest was at the most important position. Having said that, I do think coaching matters but probably not as much as fans like to think in the sense that most are competent at what they do or they wouldn’t have gotten there in the first place. IMO, about 10% of college head coaches are difference-makers in a positive way and about 10% in a negative way. In the first category I think of Bill Snyder, Nick Saban (great coach but would be interesting to see how he fared at Alabama-Birmingham for a few seasons), Gary Patterson, Mike Leach, Chris Peterson, and a few others.

The vast majority of coaches are somewhere in the middle, and that’s where I consider Applewhite to be. He’s been around and knows the game, but he’s not Bill Walsh or Bill Yeoman. In fact, this will only be his second season as a HC. Where I do think he’s doing well (and that’s the thing about head coaches; there’s a lot that goes into being one–Xs and Os, recruiting, schmoozing alums, etc.) is getting really good players on campus. If you think he’s going to sign a Top 25 class because he has a good relationship with TX HS coaches you really don’t understand recruiting. But he’s getting some really good tier-two kids with some impressive sleepers and most of all bringing in some outstanding transfers. We now have signed SIX national top 300 players in just the past year or so. Keep getting that kind of talent on campus, and we’ll win a lot of games.


Bill Yeoman was hung in effigy on campus until he discovered the veer. That was several years into his career with UH. I won’t speculate on how good a coach Apples will become until he’s been here 3 years.


I keep seeing this point, but Bill Yeoman also improved his team’s record, had a winning record, and won a bowl in his first season. It wasnt until his 4th season after two 2 win seasons that he was hung.

You might also note that we were ineligible for bowls in his 5th, 6th, and 7th years due to NCAA violations.

Do you want to try to continue comparisons?

Yeoman had 2 wins in year 3 (your reevaluation point) following 2 wins in season 2. If CMA has 2 wins the next 2 years (highly unlikely), will you still say he needs to be brought back because Yeoman was? And if that is followed by 4 wins in season 4 and we’re placed on probation, will you say bring him back because Yeoman was?

I just dont get the Yeoman effigy point

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i bet you were one of the ones who said herman is a great coach after taking us to the peach bowl huh?

I knew better than stepping into this crap thread. Sorry. Disregard all I’ve said except, some of you have too much time on your hands. Sheesh.



they get them now so that’s moot point.

Plus the 3 stars they get are high end 3*'s. Applewhite should be getting those types.

I think you’ll be a believer in Applewhite after the season is over!

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