Ramon Walker Jr: Having that experience now, I know what Coach is asking for. I know what he expects

Thanks @HRReview


I just absolutely love this kid. I hope he gets good minutes this year to prove himself because while he may not have been the strongest shooter last year, his hustle on the floor just was always such a wow factor for me. Can’t wait to see his growth.


He’ll get minutes as long as he defends and rebounds. Even if he’s not shooting well, Coach will say that he can get scoring from other guys.


I absolutely love Ramon! The guy plays with so much heart and determination.


that same argument could have been made about alley, who hustled and rebounded with the best of them, and went from solid starter to deep bench… he is going to need to have shots start fallin, especailly considering the guy behind him has a higher defensive ceiling, and probably a better shooter … he is starting the year as the #4 guard but he has to show offense to keep that spot. he said he’s worked on it so hoping it shows throughout the season


Love the kid, but he’s a 3+D guard who hasn’t been able to hit threes and is not a good perimeter defender. He hustles, but at this rate will get beat out from all of the competition if his shot doesn’t start falling. Hoping his shot can finally look like it did when he was in high school.


Maybe, but Alley was in a different position group, and he did still get some minutes. His issue wasn’t that he couldn’t shoot - it was that he just disappeared on offense.

I’m not saying he can suck and still get minutes - just saying that if he’s getting offensive rebounds, shutting down his guy and making a few shots, he’ll stay on the floor. He’s gonna have to pick it up, for sure, which is why he talked about being more aggressive.


I thought he wasn’t that aggressive last season because he had a banged up hand and didn’t feel confident on his jump shot unless he was open, and had no choice but to shoot it.