Redblacks offensive lineman Sir Vincent Rogers sits down for a Q and A
Nothing really mind-blowing in the interview and nothing that really relates to UH other than he is an alum, but I ran across it and figured I’d throw it up here in case anyone was interested. It does mention that he is a free agent at the end of the season and that his home is still in Houston.
Absolutely. I’ve never gone anywhere in Canada and felt threatened.
That’s the biggest difference. You’re not as on edge. When I’m in the
States, wherever I go, even in Houston where I live, I’m always cautious
of my surroundings because you never know. In Canada, it’s almost like
you can let your guard down and just live.
Says a lot. I was in Canada (Quebec) a couple of years ago and for a big city (Montreal) it never occurred to me to be cautious, regardless of where we were.