President JFK Assassination Anniversary

60 yrs ago today n abt 2 hrs.
Nov 22 1963.

I was only 4 but still remember vividly my Mom screaming at the TV when it was announced. Takes a momumental event to remember that far back in Life n such a young age as I was. Wonder if any others here that were young like myself but have recollection of the event.

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I was attending Catholic school. The teacher asked us to pray for the President. They shut down school and sent us home.

I was glued to the tv. At one point Lee Harvey walked by and said to the camera “I’m just a pawn”. Never saw that played again…ever.

Always felt there was more to the story.


Huh, never saw that clip Coachv. Being from a strong Catholic family myself, it was tough for our family.

7th grade and remains my most vivid memory from that far back.

Too many coincidences of accidental or unexplained deaths along with the “magic bullet theory” make me quite suspicious.

Oswald conveniently gets job at the school book depository and then gets conveniently arrested within minutes miles from the crime scene.

Ruby then conveniently kills Oswald and gets put in solitary before dying in jail.

J Edgar Hoover calls RFK seconds after with the news of the shots at motorcade then hangs up within saying anything else.

LBJ allegedly said that he won’t be worried about “those God damn Kennedys [after tomorrow].

Zapruder film clearly shows head thrown backward not forward.

Archives sealed until 2038. Why?

I saw it but I think he said “patsy”. Little difference and not much distinction, I know.

They say Oswald fired 3 shots and 2 hit so he probably acted alone. He lived in Texas and knew the route that day and he was a marine with training on accuracy so he could have acted alone, just being crazy. Jack ruby was just a bar owner upset so he shot oswald. The official closed case says Oswald acted alone. It could be that simple bc if it was more than 3 shots then maybe a broader net and I think they confirmed all 3 bullets were from Oswald’s rifle. Sometimes it can be simple be we all like to think it’s not.

I was 5 weeks from being born. Yet years later as a young kid in a Catholic family I remember my parents and older siblings talking about it.

The slow motion film of the impact is brutal.

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No way Kennedy and Connally were hit by the same or magic bullet. An animation research lab conclusively proven it was physically impossible for that to happen the physics’s just don’t work. Kennedy murder was conspiratorial and the government knows who did it just not telling the American people and they wonder why the American people don’t trust there government


In the Parkland doc on Paramount Plus the doctors are claiming the body was tampered with between the hospital and where the autopsy was perfomed in DC.

Heard an interview in Dan Patricks radio show, with the man i the white cowboy hat escorting oswald in the basement when oswald was shot. He was the chief investigator in the state murder case. He was near the end of his life when the interview was done. He said all evidence pointed to oswald being the lone killer if president.

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