Photo of Med School’s first graduating class with Renu and Tilman


I remember when we aspired to have a med school and now we have our first graduation class. Both Dr Khator and Tilman have brought us a long way.


Cool picture, never thought we’d have a med school.
Didn’t realize the class was mostly females.

Commuter school doctors!




I was at the South Texas Law graduation yesterday and was amazed at how many UH alums were graduating from there. It seemed like a good portion. Commuter school indeed.


Of people I know that went to law school, I can think of a lot that graduated from UH and went to South Texas. Also, I can think of a lot that graduated from UT and went to UH for law school (including a relative), oh and some from UT to South Texas as well.

I can think of only one or maybe two that did both undergrad and law school at UH. I’m sure I’m missing some here as it is all off the top of my head.

A number of years ago, I did meet someone that worked for my company who went to UH law for an LLM. But their undergrad and their jd were from somewhere else.

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In my UH Law Center class of 1997, UT had by far the largest contingent (around 70 or so), followed by aTm.

That’s out of a class of 358.

About 20 or so UH undergrads were in my class.

But upwards of 50 different undergrad schools were represented.

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I think there are a couple of things at play driving this.

First, many like to choose a different school for a professional graduate degree (same goes for mbas). That’s a general belief around diversifying your resume. It’s debatable how much it matters, especially if it causes you to step down in quality.

But also, the UHLC is very competitive, more so than the broader university. I’d also assume the school wants to diversify from their undergrads at some level.

I would expect LLM programs to be a bit different.

That’s quite an assumption.

Not sure if they lived on campus or how involved they were while attending or if they attended sporting events or campus events, etc.

If they didn’t, then yes they are a great asset in establishing a medical school class but if they NEVER set foot on campus, again, then yes…your assumption is correct.

They never developed a True Connection to the University which is consistent with 98% of commuter students. I was SURROUNDED by them while I was at UH. They wouldn’t attend a UH sporting event if you paid them to attend.

Not a hard concept to grasp

So one of those doctors is a lesser doctor because they didn’t go to a football game?

Next time I go to my doctor, I’ll have to ask him if he went to a football game. I might have to switch!

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¡Cláse mundial!

The literal definition of a COMMUTER STUDENT is one that attends class and HEADS HOME the second their class ends.

They want NO INVOLVEMENT in their University, outside of THEIR academics, whatsoever.

Not only do they not attend football games, they attend ZERO sporting events,
they also don’t participate in ANY student activities outside of class,
they don’t attend lectures outside of class,
they have no desire to live on , or anywhere, near campus
they aren’t involved in Greek or any Social clubs
they refuse to step back onto campus to mentor current students
they never give back to the university (time, money, any proceeds from their estate, etc.)
they rarely, if ever, represent their university after graduating and DEFINITELY never drape their newborn child in their alma mater’s gear

frankly, they are EMBARRASSED to attend the University of Houston and often become t-shirt fans of other schools ( I KNOW MANY)

They often “convince” their children to LOOK at attending other schools IF they want the full college experience

Why do you want these type of low ROI students, @norbert ?

We’ve had these type of students for the majority of our existence but are investing for the other type of student.

We have satellite UH campuses that deliver exactly what THEY WANT!

Dude stop projecting your insecurities! I suggest you just become a UT or Aggie t-shirt fan, you’ll feel better.

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I have no desire to become a “UT or TAMU t-shirt fan” but I do have every desire to make the University of Houston a better University and a place where people have pride in attending.

We have different opinions, that is fine, to your benefit…your apathetic view of the University of Houston is consistent with 75% of those that attended UH.

You aren’t the person I’m speaking to.

You want UH to remain a Soulless Commuter School…got it!

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No all I’m saying is that UH isn’t as inferior to UT or ATM as you say we are. Quit insulting UH degree holders with your commuter school nonsense.

I was trying to use our first graduating medical school class to show how idiotic your views are. It went over your head. Which is easy to do.

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First of all, we don’t know where they did their undergrad studies.

Second, if we knew, we might learn that several went to residential schools.

Who saying it inferior?

I attended UH BECAUSE it was superior in the specific major I selected.

What im saying is that I would like to see more passionate alums.

There is no doubt in my mind…UH can become the best Public University in the state of Texas.

May take a while…a long while…but you don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step.

They graduated from UH Medical school, thus they graduated from a commuter school. Right 1927?

You! Maybe you don’t realize it but you are putting down your university because it didn’t fit the Animal House themed experience you think a traditional university has. UH is unique, don’t change it into another me too type university. We’re a world class school that is super accessible to its local population of 7 million people. Again that’s bigger than most flagship schools whole state population, in the P4 conferences.


So now you’re saying UH has Harvard level academics that we can NOT add anything that would add to school culture/tradition/atmosphere?

It’s called BALANCE…no reason why we can’t have a mix of a higher level public school academics PLUS the school tradition/ culture that makes people PROUD to make a life decision to be associated with the University of Houston Family.

Not an Either/ Or trick question…almost all, as in 100%, of the other P4 Universities have that balance.

Not hard, man.

Nobody ever said turn UH into an Animal House