OT: Tillman's Yacht

Tillman got us into the big 12 and helped get our bb arena built and bought the rockets to keep them here and make money.

He’s our good guy so let him buy what else he wants.

We’d be in the aac still without mr T.


Oh yeah, I’m a thousandaire. Helped out a lot of those who helped me get there. Thanks Dunning-Kruger textbook case.

I love wealthy people who buy extravagances and invest their money. THAT is what creates jobs, NOT government.

Would you prefer 100,000 to go to the government or to be invested in business? Given my waiting line and personal experiences with government agencies, I see lots of waste.


LOL, another Dunning-Kruger scholar.

Did that yacht magically appear?

How many jobs did it take to build it?

All the materials/parts used how many jobs did that help fund?

All the businesses he has how many jobs did that create and fund?

The hotels, restaurants etc that he had built over the year’s, how many jobs did this create?

All the distributors and suppliers that his companies use how does his business help them?

All the companies that make the furniture, cement, wood, plastic, electrical components, drapes, kitchenware, electronics, alcohol, food, etc etc that goes into all his hotels and restaurants…how many jobs has that created over the years and helped pay these companies employees salaries??

As mentioned all the millions of $ he’s given to UH. He didn’t have to do this but he did (and does).

I always laugh when I see people spouting off on how they think someone else should be using their $.

What are you doing with your $???

Do you stop and give EVERY single person you see living on the street $? I mean they’re homeless and who needs help more then them? But when you’re at a red light and they come walking by you with a sign saying “please help…hungry…homeless” you turn your head or act like you’re on your phone so you don’t have to make eye contact with them.

And then you come here popping off on a guy who’s helped more people then you could ever dream of.

Sounds like bitterness, envy, or jealously to me.


The government gave out TONS of money to the unemployed during the pandemic. Job openings have been at all time high levels for MONTHS now.


Its America, if u don’t like ur situation get up and do something about it, why does everyone think someone owes them something, if u want to be a millionaire go find some millionaires learn and copy what they do, anyone in this country with enough will and want to can change their situation. If people with money want to help needy people out great god bless them , but they are not obligated to just cause they have money


Answer: get Houston a NHL franchise!


Fertitta’s yacht is ready for Mardi Gras.

Chronicle article behind paywall.

Your friends need a job? Oilfield is starving for labor.


Just go out and create a financial empire that creates tens of thousands of jobs, pays lots of taxes ………and then you can use it to help the poor and down trodden.

What is stopping you !!

Talent, desire, ability……?


A huge head start from the family like him is all I need lol - he was born on 3rd base

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And so what?! Is he supposed to apologize for that?

If you were born on “third base” would you demand your parents give you nothing and treat you as though you middle class?

Give me break.

I grew up in Houston, just my mom and I in government housing and I had nothing for a very long time…… worked for everything I have ever obtained…. But if I was born with a damn silver spoon in my mouth I would have run with it in a heartbeat…


I agree the super wealthy who spend like crazy are good, the hoarders are a huge problem to our economy. Tilman has been fairly cash poor (compared to his net wealth) a few times so he is doing it the better way.

I will say if he has many employees who are also on government assistance because of how little they make, then he should step it up there. Tax payers shouldn’t be subsidizing any business owners labor. I doubt he is anywhere as bad as corporations like Wal Mart and the fast food companies though.

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“The Homeless” vs “former and current workers.”

Your long drawn out meaningless narrative response is based on a false parallel from the onset. Just ginning up the standard rhetoric, one size fits all, irrespective of the specifics.

Please quote where I used the word “homeless” at any point or a synonym for it.

Where did I use the word government?

Another issue I support, that many here disagree with, is called reading comprehension.


Emily Latella. Violence/Violins

Everybody luvs’em some rights. Few luvs and understand responsibility.

I worked for Tillman back in the day at a few of his restaurants. He paid me $2.13 an hour…just like every other restaurant in town. I routinely made at least a bill a shift or i wasn’t working hard enough. I did this to support myself, wife and daughter while trying to get through UH. I never begrudged the guy that took out the loans, took the risk, hired the people that hired the people to hire me. He took all the risk. He gets the reward.

See, no matter how much he gives away or ‘helps’ his employees out, it is never enough for some folks. Give them 10 bucks an hour and people will cry they should get 11. Give them a check when the GOVERNMENT (the pandemic didn’t do crap, it was our government reactions that caused the economy to close) closed everyone down, well why was t it more?

Funny story. I did the bar inventory at Joe’s off Richmond (metro). And by doing this I had to enter numbers into the intranet. Well the intranet had a form section that you could pull inventory forms. They also had all corporate forms. Almost got fired for submitting the corporate jet form. Apparently the humor level was low at corporate.


Did TF buy that yacht, or in a roundabout way did Houston and Harris County taxpayers buy it for him? When he bought the Rockets, he didn’t buy the Toyota Center which cost over $200 million tax dollars to build and is probably worth much more now. Harris County/Houston Sports Authority owns the building, and the city owns the land, so no property taxes are paid. The Rockets lease it for $8.5 million/year which is offset by the $4.75 million/year they get from Toyota for the naming rights.
Billionaire welfare.
I’m not singling out TF. The same could be said about most, if not all NBA, NFL, & MLB owners.

He takes all the legal breaks he can— just like everyone else. Get s life and don’t worry about what others have, count your own blessings.


You do know how the economics of it all work though right? The vendors and employees in the Toyota center. The restaurants bars and businesses around it.

Businesses are businesses to make profits for the owners. I have a friend that had over 20+ years with one of the very largest major oil companies (his only career job), and as part of cost saving initiatives when oil prices were one half of what they are today, was transitioned to a foreign country for about 25-30% of his cost. Just an example of what businesses do to make profits for the owners. TF had to do what he had to do to improve profitability.

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