Off The Kilts Bandwagon

I was very happy when I wore a Scottish kilt to Halloween parties and was encouraged to see other men wear them at Halloween parties as the years wore on. At this last weekend’s Halloween party all those positive vibes for people wearing kilts evaporated when women started wearing kilts to the parties . With the exception of a couple hot chicks making the kilts look sexy, the women just couldn’t let the men have their one thing. Even the two hot chicks post party mentioned they only did it to irritate their boyfriends. I’ve read all the stuff online how kilts were for men, they were a top 5 costume at Halloween parties, etc. I never expected this to turn into a fad for the ladies. Instead, we get a Halloween party overrun with women taking costume ideas from men and pawning off as their own. So I am off the kilts train. I will continue attending the Halloween parties, but I’ll probably just go as something corny like Harry Potter or Napoleon Dynamite.


Saturdays game made me fall off the wagon. I may at some point worn a kilt, I don’t really remember.

Coogs got kilt this past Saturday


I’m tired of getting kilted


This forum has lost its way.


“With the exception of a couple hot chicks making the kilts look sexy”

Got it.