No one will be fired

She said it at a Party. She had just started her second drink😁! Come on people! #LetItGo


The optics of that would be bad. I would consider not renwwing my season tickets if the DC is not let go.

Firing head coaches after 2-3 years and after 8-4 seasons isn’t the best way to lure coaches that want to stay a while.

Also, did Herman recruit Ward? Did Sumlin recruit Keenum? Just asking.


I will renew my season tickets as long as I can afford them. It does not matter who the coach is, what our record was, what our schedule is, what time we play, what conference we are in, or any other excuse. I am a Cougar and I will be at the games as long as I am physically able.


Major has tried to protect the defense two different ways. The ground game last year to maximize TOP was 90% about protecting the defense. Bringing in Briles was the, “If you can’t stop them, outscore them,” approach. The lack of depth really showed up this year on defense. It was second only to poor tackling. There were so many plays when defenders were in pretty good position to make a play, but they barely laid a glove on the ball carrier because they didn’t take a good angle or square the guy up. That’s on the coaching staff as much as scheme.


Hey banderacoogfan. Your season ticket holder Buddy. Seats right in front of you. Randy - capitolcoog.

Homeless folks prefer UT!

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An 8-4 season with healthy players is one thing. This was a team devastated by injuries. There will be coaching changes. You could see leaks in the dam before the injuries started to hit.

A good coach will make adjustments, I expect more changes this year, just like last year.

Orlando recommended our current DC. Was it an attempt to sabotage the program? No. The coaching fraternity is a tight one. You don’t screw over coaches. There is one thing I am surprised no one has ever mentioned; Orlando is a defensive minded coach, had the defense struggled, he could have stepped in. CMA does not have that luxury, he has an offense oriented background. He had no safety net.


That just doesn’t make any sense at all.

I missed my first home game in over 20 years against Tulane on purpose. My little way of protesting the crap defense we played this. I let Pezman know I expected him to do something if Major won’t. We can pay off Coach nOw’s contract which has 1 more year. A change is needed When Rice is last in pass defense in the Country and we are right above them.

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Hey Randy lol frustrating season hope u had a great thanksgiving

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What’s happened to Sweet Sally??? I didn’t know she was doing hair these days? You a regular customer?:grinning:

I did. Hope ya’ll did as well. Yes, such a total collapse last half of season. Will have to ponder when time comes to renew season tickets. Not very optimistic about next year!

If they were going to fire D’Onofrio, wouldn’t they do it now and hire the new one so he can start recruiting? If they don’t fire him by next week, I don’t think they are going to at all.

I was just blowing off steam lol, we will be there next year and we expect to see y’all also!

That is fair. I am not a big-time donor, so my season tickets are my only way of showing displeasure. I have had my season tix since I graduated (5+), so if they do decide to keep said DC. I have to let them know by not renewing my tickets. Like voting. Yea it’s not a big show, but that is the most civil thing to do.

*Of course, I will still go to the games. This is all hypothetical. There is a strong probability that CMA, will make the change. #YWCF

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OldtimeCoog, I totally respect your attitude! I not a youngster either, I have been attending games since the 60’s. It is just to so hard for me to watch Coogs when they are losing a lot. Obviously that has not happened in awhile. I have season tickets in 3 sports, but did not buy tickets CMA first season. Did not agree with the hire & felt like we would drop off as a program. I thought that occurred. Bought FB season tickets this year
b/c of the CKB hire. Very interested in what is done next!

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Not sure they’ll do it this way again but last year they announced B. Johnson’s departure on 12/10/17 (Major called the plays in the bowl game) and announced Briles/Clements on 1/6/18.

No, they were recruited by previous coaches…Keenum/Briles…Ward/Levine…

If CMD wasnt fired after tech or SMU. He wont be fired after season. No reason to give him free money when our fan base can’t pay the bill with season tickets or merch. Cant expect Tilman to pay everything, hes not an endless pocket book. Expect him to stay through his contract. 400k is alot of money to give to someone who is being blamed for the downfall let’s remember 400k would change alot of lives elsewhere. Not to mention he has excuses with injuries and players who dont have the experience. If they do think giving the money away is more financially reasonable than keeping him then the fan base needs to help recover that money no excuses. But the next hire will be on an even shorter leash than CMD. Not to mention it might be a 9-4 season, either way either we show up and buy tickets or eventually we wont have any funds to sustain a program with fair weather fans.