New UH Hoops Resource

Hey All - checkout this new page on Cougars men’s hoops. It’s a compilation of links to different resources covering the team…like the UH student newspaper (The Daily Cougar), UH game notes, Coogs’ Corner podcast, this forum, and many other relevant links. Here’s the site:


Looks good….lots of nice stats on teams and sports I follow. Only question is, how is it funded? Did not see any advertising or teaser for subscription. Does that come later?

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This is a gambling website.

How do I stop my gambling addiction?

Professional help is available to stop gambling and stay away from it for good.

  1. Understand the Problem. You can’t fix something that you don’t understand. …
  2. Join a Support Group. …
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  6. Think About the Consequences. …
  7. Seek Professional Help.

They are back…

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It is stat site that can be used for information for gambling choices or for whatever reason you want….to check your teams stats, etc. It is not a gambling website although information can be used for that purpose.

From the site….


Square Bettor is not a gambling website. All information on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Square Bettor LLC is not affiliated with any gaming company, university, professional sports team, league, and/or association.

“I know all about Marcus Sasser. I know what his favourite breakfast cereal is. I know the name of his first pet. And I know Houston is gonna beat Alabama by 6 this Saturday” (slams 1,000 bucks down dramatically betting on the Cougars)

“Not a gambling site”

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Fast facts shows Nickname: Cougs
Get your facts right. It’s COOGS!

Thank you @lowbehold for the positive response. To answer your question, this is a self-funded project. The site is built on WordPress. The datasets on the pages are completely free of charge (via So, it’s actually fairly affordable to manage. The costly part are the two years of uncompensated labor (sweat equity) that I invested into building this platform using my nights, weekends, and free time…

Frankly, this site is a lot of work to maintain for one person. But, I do it for many reasons. Most of which is my passion for sports and personal use of the site. In the future, I may be interested in offloading responsibility for managing the entire site via decentralization (issuing NFTs) where community members (such as anyone reading this post) could purchase ownership of a page. This approach solves the monetization issue (without annoying ads) and builds a community. For instance, the most rabid Coogs fan in this forum might want to own the Coogs page on Square Bettor. Ownership of course, comes with responsibilities, such as being a good steward and maintaining the page with accurate datasets and links.

I imagine most of you are lost at this point…or, probably no one cares…but I would love a thumbs up for anyone who is following and/or thinks this would be cool. Would anyone be interested in ownership of the UH Cougars page on Square Bettor if an NFT were made available for purchase? Just floating an idea! Not soliciting…

Sorry to those bothered by the gambling aspect of the site. I didn’t realize it’d be such a hot-button issue. Gambling is legal and socially acceptable in my neck of the woods (Nevada). Either way, thanks for reading my post and go Coogs (not Cougs :slight_smile:


For all you pearl clutchers out there…

I haven’t dug into all the stats but looks like great information.

One relatively meaningless error that caught my eye was this one: Home Stadium: Fertitta Center (617 ft elev)

You’re about 570 feet off. Fertitta Center elevation is roughly 47’ above sea level…and that’s only cause it’s built up on a 10’ man-made “hill” above the surrounding streets.

You’ve basically got to get to the Balcones Fault (San Antonio/Austin/Waco) or up to Dallas before you reach 617 ft elevations. To get that high in Houston requires alternate methods…


I lol’d at the end.

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@TheOriginalTimmyChan Fixed it, thanks for your contribution!

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