New Texans Uniforms

NO, because this isn’t a copyright; it’s a TRADEMARK.

Trademarks have no set lifespan. Their lifespan is only limited by things like lack of use, lack of enforcement, and genericism (at one time “elevator” was a protected trademark; it is now a generic term for a particular device; “Velcro” could be next).

This color thing is a trademark, NOT a copyright, and as such, it has an indefinite lifespan.

Copyrights are different.

Their lifespan has changed over the years with periodic changes in the governing law.

Under current law (passed in 1998), copyrights on newly created and original works have a lifespan of the life of the author plus 70 years; there are somewhat different rules for works for hire.

Copyrights protect things like artistic works, sheet music, photographs, motion pictures, sound recordings, literary works, software programs, some architectural works, etc.

But they do not protect trademarks. That’s a whole separate class of Intellectual Property with a completely separate body of IP law.

Copyright Law is governed by the Cooyright Act of 1976 and a few revisions/provisions passed since.

Trademark Law, by contrast, is governed by the Lanham Trademark Act, as well as by some common law.

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I have been out of town so I am late to this party, Cleveland got to keep the Browns IP and history as part of the settlement for the Brown’s breaching the lease with Cleveland Stadium. Everyone forgets that the Oilers were asking for a new stadium 7 years after a very expensive renovation to the Astrodome that the taxpayers were still paying for during a 2-14 season. We pretty much told the Oilers to GTFO.

Bud strong armed the city nearly moving them to Jacksonville then in the near future did again wanting a new stadium. Enter Nashville with all sorts of promises and guaranteed sellouts.

The adams family embodies what is flawed with the nfl. These rules should be in place if the nfl, nfl owners want tax payers funded stadium.
Current city/location keeps the name and colors. The adams family complaining about the franchise history disappearing with a new name/colors? Then refund the entire amount plus interest to the tax payers that funded your stadium improvements.
adams got Harris County to refurbish the Astrodome.
spanos got the City of San Diego to refurbish Jack Murphy/Qualcom stadium.
Both are out of town. Same for Saint Louis and how many other franchises?
A University can’t move. An nfl/sports franchise sure can.

Bud Adam’s wanted to keep the history and IP because he saw it as his personal history and the county made him stay through the end the Astrodome lease. My dad worked for another Adam’s companies in the 90’s and he said he was a prick there as well. We also have to remember that was a different era when franchises were not billion dollar money printing machines like they are today.

I disagree. The nfl was making tons of money prior to the Oilers departed. The rule that I mentioned ought to be in place. You take money from the tax payers? It has to have consequences. Only then will franchise owner think twice about leaving.

Then why doesnt GM with tangeir or weatleaf orange cease and desist ford for grabber orange, etc.

In those cases, color isn’t a trademark.

GM and Ford both have registered trademarks, but color isn’t one of them to the best of my knowledge.

Color trademarks include the yellow-green color of Jacobson laundry pressing pads, and the red soles of Louboutin women’s high-heel shoes.

The USSC upheld the Jacobson color trademark, and courts in several countries (including at least one US federal appeals court) have upheld the color trademark in the soles of Louboutin women’s high heel shoes.

You are right law but it just shows how the nfl think about its audience. They could care less. They could have easily made a deal with toupee adams but they did not. That in itself sums it up.
The nfl knew/knows how much Houstonians cared/loved the Oilers.

LAW, why isn’t the New England Patriots suing the Texans.

They literally copied their logo exactly…even used a star like they did.

Not really:

If anything, the Texans copied the Texas flag.

Remember when Paris
Hilton trademarked “That’s hot”? That alone should tell you how stupid trademarks can be.
Can the rainbow be trademarked?

Since you asked.

I’ve seen this floating around on-line. Very sharp!

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Because of the colors? Otherwise, I don’t see it.

Agree. I don’t see the similarity.

If this is the jersey they need to issue sunglasses to the fans. Those colors are electric.

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This is probably similar to what the Texans wanted but the NFL said no. I love it.

Looks like ice cream