Marked improvement

That added pressure on Donovan as our OL was tiring in the 2nd half changed the game.
TT made adjustments that we didn’t have an answer to. Good coaching, but shows our extreme lack of depth. Our OL starters stack up well with other Big12 teams, but our 2nd string is nowhere close. Teams like TT have a 2nd string almost as good as starters. Teams like Texas have a 2nd string that’s as good as the 1st. This is the reality of the situation.


Offense was clicking then we decided to bench Jenkins. Guess he was getting tired of all those yards.

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And yet Sumlin (in CUSA) and Herman (in AAC) managed to find ways (with less resources, no transfer portal, and lower rated recruits) to beat comparable or better teams than the Tech team we faced Saturday.

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How did our depth make it through double overtime last season in Lubbock?

It’s BS.

The offense changed in the 2nd half, and our best RB was inexplicably benched.

We had Tune and Tank last year. Both are now in the NFL… Talent level is just a bit different now

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Tune and Tank are responsible for our entire team being able to take Tech into double overtime, and now that they are gone, we can’t make it past halftime?

Come on, you can’t possibly be serious.


Sumlin found the magic man Case. Herman found Ward. Both got real lucky. It didnt come from any recruiting they did.
As time went on both those guy’s luck ran out.


Some of the things Dana has said would NEVER be uttered by most coaches. Ex. Tom Herman. Worn out? Are you kidding me? “The other team needed the win.” These are fireable statements. What the Coogs were able to do in the first half they weren’t able to do in the second because Tech stepped up their game. The Coogs didn’t have a response. I guess they were too tired.

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Don’t forget this game meant more to them. He has said that at least twice.


How do you explain Rice.

Trust me, I’m not saying that CDH is the best coach out there and that I like everything he says , but I think his comments are truthful and to the point. Saying “we just got wore out” or “the other team just wanted it more” seem like he is just stating the obvious. He’s not sugar coating anything. I don’t like what I hear, but it’s better the the BS that Herman would spew.


Well according to the Holgo Excuse Almanac, that loss was due to overlooking Rice and practice too well on Tuesday.


There is a lot of blame to go around with regards to Rice. But, 28-0 at the half. I think most has of the fault goes to the DC Belk. Rice did whatever they wanted. Their QB looked like a Heisman candidates. For two years in a row, our defense looks pitiful. Why does everyone seem to give Belk a pass? If changes happen, that’s where they should start.

Nobody is giving Belk a pass, and I am astonished that someone believes we were too tired coming out of halftime, and couldn’t score another point.

That’s 100% BS. 100%.

I don’t think those are truths. They are deflections and diversions from having to admit that it ALL comes back to him. The failures are HIS. The sad state of the program is the result of his doing.

Players aren’t good enough? They are his recruits/transfers

Scheme doesn’t work? It’s his scheme/philosophy

Coaches suck? He hired them


Trust me, I was astonished and disappointed as well. One thing I remember noticing Donovan’s passing. He was overthrowing a lot in the 2nd half vs underthrowing in the 1st. In fact, we had 2 bombs that were overthrown in the 2nd that would’ve been TDs.
Once I rewatch the 2nd half I’ll have more clarity.

Who hired Belk and then made him DC?

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Me too he pulled Jenkins yet he got ultra conservative and basically ran the ball the last 9 mins of the game. It was like he tried to burn the clock so the loss wouldn’t be as bad as it should have been considering how bad we played in all phases except offense in the first half.

We don’t exactly have 2+ years for Donovan to get it

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it is not exactly a complex offense to “get” after all mike used to write his playbook in an old bazooka bubble gum wrapper because it was so simple…sure dana has added his own nonsense to it, but if a player is not picking it up quickly they are either slow, being coached poorly, or refusing to follow the plan of release the ball as quickly as possible to whoever is open the fastest

the criticism of mike was that he would “sling it around” to chase meaningless stats instead of getting backups playing time and then most years he was starting a 4th or 5th year senior with 30 plays under their belt total in college and most of those in major garbage time

with donovan he has plenty of playing time even if under an offense that was not exactly the same so she should have already “adjusted to college” and “the speed of the game” so he is either not getting it, poorly coached, or refusing to follow “the system”

so trying to say that “he is getting it” is not really much to give hope because if he is just now getting it after those warm up games and looking good for a half against a shell shocked Tech teams and then putting up a 0.0 in the second half against that same team…well that is not a lot to hope about and says that a lot more teams will probably be able to adjust and take a win in the second half…like Rice and Tech