Lots of brawls today. Gotta love rivalry week. Edit- We got into a fight with BYU, add us to the list


Ohio State and Michigan brawled

Florida and Florida State brawled

Alabama and Auburn brawled

North Carloina and North Carolina State brawled

Whorn and Aggy had some pushing and shoving

We brawled with BYU

I gotta admit that if Rice or Texas Tech planted their flag in the middle of our field, I’d be throwing punches too.


Good luck planting on turf! :triumph:

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Coogs vs Cougs fisticuffs


Hmmm. . . BYU might be our new hated rivals.

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I don’t think this was enough to unseat Utah as BYU’s rivals.


Right, but you can have more than one rival. Ask the SEC.

Knowing Taco Tech, they would probably throw tortillas at our field before doing anything else.

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I may be an old fashion boomer, but I would like to see sportsmanship displayed by all teams. Win or lose with grace – and trying to plant one’s team flag on the other team’s field is not good sportsmanship and sure to draw heated reactions and a fight would ensue.