Life before social media

Had to have been quite spectacular

What are your fond memories

Quite a few:
Watching sports on TV with my dad
When I was young, my friends and I altered playing whiffle ball outside until we needed some rest and came inside to play Strat-o-Matic baseball.
All night Intellivision game parties
Actually going to friends’ houses to socialize.

That’s just off the top of my head.


Getting lost hunting near Nashville, Arkansas and finding my way to the highway - only to realize cell phones hadn’t been invented and I had a 6 mile walk back to my truck.


There were 3 channels and 2 UHF channels. You had to watch whatever channel you were tuned into (no channel surfing).

The UHF channels were for Gilligan’s Island, My Favorite Martian, My three Sons reruns.

Your father owned the TV from 5:30 till he went to bed.

Late Friday nights were for scary movies you stayed up for.

Saturday mornings were for cartoons.

Your mom kicked you out of the house at 9 in the morning and then You came home for lunch then you were kicked out until 5. They didn’t want to know where you went as long as you weren’t at home.

Porn consisted of a playboy centerfold someone stole from their older brother.


Mine is not having youtube and tictok to document stupid stuff.


Impromptu baseball games in a vacant lot when you saw enough bikes in a yard to put one together. Rules varied, some games right field automatic out, sometimes left field just to vary things.


Being present and enjoying the experience at dinner, concerts, events without feeling like I needed to document it.


My mom yelling to get me back into our apartment building from playing soccer with my buddies past my bed time…and home work.
“Scotched” to tv watching soccer, rugby, T&F, Skiing etc…
Playing in the streets, sand, heat, rain, snow.
Shy, timid and then loving dating.
Bicycling, skiing, roller skating with no helmets.
Using alcohol on minor cuts (still do) my girls think I am barbaric.
Four back in the car with no seat belts, no AC.
Black and white color tv.
Discovering color tv.
Working to get my first bike.
Working to get my wi-fi stereo.
Outdoor, indoor concerts.
Reading, yes reading the sports pages…religiously.


Life before social media and technology was simple and wonderful, the world we live in now not so much……

It was really great to go do something with a friend or group without everyone you’ve ever met knowing about it. If you wanted to know what was going on, you had to go out and see for yourself. As a teen, all I had was a pager and some quarters. Somehow that was enough tech to create some wonderful memories.
Concerts were affordable so I went to a lot of them and saw some great bands. I do kind of wish there were more recordings available of those shows, but at the same time, it was way better to be there with nothing to do but enjoy the moment.
It’s weird how relatively fast social media was created after phones were affordable and had internet capabilities. My best memories live in the era right before that, call it '94-02 (ish)


Animated GIF

That is a major problem.

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Going to your friend’s house, knocking on the door and asking if they could come out to play. As mentioned earlier, out from morning until night, thirsty? Find a hose, lunch found on door step in brown bag.

Snow sledding up north, building treehouse in Dallas with neighborhood friends. In HS it was talking on the land line, flirting with cute girls when working as a checker at the A&P on Ella. Summer days on Stewart or West Beach and everywhere between.

Seems like we were bored with nothing to do without social media.

One thing that changed with social media is party, concert, bar, and event promotion. Printing, hanging, and distributing posters or flyers for events and the leg work of getting those out to everyone. It just isn’t really done anymore. It’s a bit of a lost art or lost skill.

Everything was word of mouth. All the fashion trends. You had to go to the mall and scope out what everyone was wearing. Probably why malls were so popular back then. During high school, we all hung out at the mall, we worked there too.

Well unless you had MTV, that was another source for fashion.

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I only had Friday Night Videos. No cable.

I wish we had it long before the Facebook days. I mean how else would we be able to solve the great Yanny vs Laurel mystery or if the dress was blue or gold?

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Riding bikes and going fishing in ponds

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