Let's Talk Football NIL Event

Is this going to replace the traditional kickoff event?

Also I am working on finding out how many seats are in a table.


Not sure. I was surprised to see an email like this, feels like a breath of fresh air from the admin there right now. Lets smaller time donors get in if they want to and LOOKS like a decent deal. Most of the other CP emails I get is just asking for money. Heck, anything from Cougar Athletics is asking for money or a one time promo on a bad day of the week.


It ain’t free.


I’d love to go to that and probably meet Keenum and others but it’s just too steep for me for one day. I encourage all those that can swing it go.

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Point is, this is NEW. There’s a cost for people that want it, but it outlines what the benefits are for.


It’s a fundraising event for NIL. Football team needs $$$.

$250 per entry ticket, plus open auction. This is all about the Benjamins. Don’t make it anything more than that.

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E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G the athletic department does is all about the Benjamins. They will have both a silent and live auction, should be interesting. I’m not sure I can convince the wife it’s a good investment though.


Speaking of money to players……


If I understand the price of the entry ticket is $125 per person, your $250 is for a couple. So, I guess us COOGFANS need to realize that BIG XII, NIL etc. is going to hit us in our wallets. Some COOGFANS can handle the extra $$$ and some will not be able to.

I just saw in the new membership guide that the kickoff event and Cougar Pride Tailgate are no longer a benefit for the All-American Club and above. I am assuming this is taking the Kickoff event’s place. I guess they have decided you can continue giving the athletic department just as much money while they lower the benefits and shift the resources over to NIL. I paid extra this year to reach the All-American Club because I enjoy the kickoff event and like the access to the Cougar Pride tailgate, according to the new member benefit chart that extra donation only grants me a 10% merch and concession discount which I have never figured out how to use. I wish they would have let us know the benefit changes BEFORE I upped my donation.

ffa0f6fc-4681-4051-aa3f-bd1f93b8cfb2.pdf (515.0 KB)
UH23_CougarPride_BenefitsChart.pdf (495.5 KB)

Love it or hate it, this is how the big boys play.

The 2024 benefits chart is not showing the Friday Night Lights / Kickoff event. So maybe there was a mistake in leaving it off the 2024 benefits. I am fairly sure this will be available at the All Conference Club and above, as in prior years.

SigEpCoog2005 - We attended the event this past Friday and my CP contact confirmed the kickoff event is for all donors at the All American Club and above. So, you are in. He said the email invite should be going out Monday 8/13 or shortly thereafter.

Also tickets and parking are hopefully sent out also Monday.

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