Legal Argument On the State Fair Gun Ban

I know this is a political issue but I’m more interested in the actual legal argument rather than the political one.

Ken Paxton is arguing that since Fair Park is owned by the City Of Dallas (a government entity), that the tennant (State Fair) can’t ban guns under the 2nd amendment unless there is some other law allowing them to do so.

So, based on this argument, the NFL couldn’t ban you from bringing guns to the Cowboys or Texans games, Live Nation couldn’t ban you from bringing guns to a concert or event at either of those stadiums either even if the event is something like Sesame Street Live and is for kids.

I would think, if he actually files a lawsuit, some of these other entities will want to file briefs in support of the State Fair.

On second thought, I have never been to the state fair so I don’t know for sure, don’t they sell alcohol there? If so, wouldn’t guns be prohibited by state law anyways? Although I guess that wasn’t the case last year which is why they have the ban this year. So I’m confused about the legalities of this issue.


Lmao how does Johnny get flagged and hidden within a minute of posting?! :rofl:


Wonder if Paxton would support people bringing guns into the Capitol?

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Good question, but I assume there is a state law that prohibits guns in the Capitol so he may argue it is a legal prohibition.

Yeah, but under his reasoning, that law is equally unconstitutional under the 2nd Amendment.

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I agree there is an inherent contradiction in the argument. This is why I was interested in the legal arguments as we all know what the political arguments are.

We gotta vote kpax out. He’s the worst


:100: without question!

people do bring guns into the capital.

Huh, it looks like that’s permitted now. Bonkers.

It’s only ok if a certain demographic brings them, the wrong group brings them and gun control will get done quicker that Reagan in the 60’s.

Gun control was popular in the late 60s when the Black Panthers starting arming up.

Seriously, what kind of idiot would think they need to carry to the State Fair? They need to go do to themselves what I can’t post without being banned.

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This is Texas. Who wouldn’t enjoy the thrill of a potential real live shootout at the Fair ?
In that article, the picture of Big Tex looks positively emasculated without a pair ARs hanging from his broad shoulders. Let Texas be Texas !

As you point out, with the selling and consumption of alcohol on Fair grounds,I don’t
know why an AG would advocate for something like this. Surely there are more pressing
issues he needs to address in state business. Likewise, alcohol is sold at all sporting events
I attend and at HLSR.

However, this seems to say that at least 51% of sales must be from alcohol before guns can be banned by the establishment ? Just weird and stupid.

Texas law restricts the carry of firearms at places that sell alcohol . Bars that make more than half of their sales from alcohol have different rules than other places that sell alcohol.

You can bring guns into the state capital. They have a locker for you to store once you get in. I was over a month ago with my daughter to visit UT. Now the actual operational part of the building you can’t. It’s treated like a courthouse. And I’m assuming all of the reps have some sort of firearm in their office. “Assuming.”

The state trooper in charge of the locker even salivated about my torqued-up, olive drab Shadow Systems 9mm (built in Plano).


Guns where alcohol is being sold and consumed is such a bad idea.

I agree. A lot of things don’t mix with alcohol: cars, scooters, high rise glass installers, brick masons, nursery schools. Alcohol affects judgement and judgement is the common rational in understanding western thought.

A locker seems like a workable solution . Maybe the same for the fair grounds. One should check your guns rather than leave them in your vehicle to be stolen. As a responsible owner you must maintain control of your weapons at all times. Just sayin’ .


I’d agree with that 100%.

Section 13 would seem to apply to the
State Fair as an area of prohibition maybe,

(13) in an amusement park; or

Just really dumb we an AG even thinking
of going down this road.