Lawsuit needs to Become Criminal Charges

Suggesting, [you missed your chance] to sue us… yeah not sure thats how it works.

But at any rate, if true, this is murder or gross negligent manslaughter, hell even conspiracy to commit manslaughter


I think a similar thread on this was started about 8 days ago. Have a look at this thread to see if it’s different.

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That lawsuit will have to wait until the AG finishes the REALLY IMPORTANT cases, like being able to carry guns inside the State Fair.


My b, feel free to merge mods. I just was blown away by the accusations

Not bad; I’m actually surprised more people did not weigh in on that thread either. You got death, obscene profits, and
consumers footing the bill for many years to come…and little interest here ???

Yeah i was hoping some of the UH law alums would weigh in. Thanks for checking it out.

To claim statue of limitations on such a pivotal case is strange

Sometimes I wonder how much of the overall blackouts (not necessarily this one) and brown outs are partly due to gov’t over regulation and to much reliance on wind and solar.

yes those summer brownouts in texas are most certainly because we are relying too heavily on *checks notes* the sun

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Over regulation in Texas ? ? ? What exactly are you talking about ?

Well, ercot data is out there and I don’t ever recall that being the case in Texas.

Where did you get this notion that renewable energy is causing brownouts or blackouts in Texas ?

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Over regulation is not the issue, outside of them creating the extra layer of distribution that costs us all in Houston.

Them helping Bitcoin minors profit is insane.

Texas leaders worry that bitcoin mines threaten power grid | The Texas Tribune.