July 21, 2024

Hottest day in history

capitalism at work

Did they have world temperatures 100 years ago? 50 years ago?

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51, you the answer to that. It is a narrative.
I love it when “they” say that “all” of the scientists agree on global warming except for those that don’t, but don’t reach out to them, they are all quacks.

Measured CO2 levels since 1958 along with ice core samples that go back thousands of years that support the measurements are hard things to refute.

But do share the work of the respected scientists who refute it all.


1924 and 1974 ?
Sure, that data is pretty easy to come by.

There are records out there from the 1850s if you care to look.

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Recently was reading articles alleging global warming.

Since we are in July I arbitrarily selected July 12.

Tucson has records back to the 19th. Century. Looked it up.

On July 12,1900 it was 107 in Tucson.

On July 12, 2024 it was 107 in Tucson.

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1850 is the general line of demarcation for modern very reliable records. But temperature data has been pretty consistently documented since the 1650’s it’s just considered less reliable

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One data point location on one day ?

And that proves exactly nothing in support of the denial.


Now do it with Chicago

No cherry picking incredibly granular data points in a very large data set is a totally valid and not lazy or meaningless in grand schemes of things. /Sarcasm

Which equally correct would be the assertion that cherry picking this date as a stand alone data point would be equally meaningless unless fitting into a larger set of correlating data. Not as much as picking out a granular data point of a singular location on a singular day, but still.

You can’t pick one day to make your point. I mean, you can but it won’t tell you anything. One data point is just that, one data point. You’re also falling into the weather vs. climate trap that so many fall into. They are related but not synonymous.

Also, you have to realize that just 1 degree change can have a huge impact. 2-3 degrees can potentially completely change the game.

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High was 75 and no rain. It’s 87 today.

And that means as much as what was shared from Tuscon.

What makes you say that? Just because the planet has been able to allow modern humans in general for only 300,000 years on the planetary time scale? Or of that we’ve only been able to sustain agriculture for 70,000? Meaning we’re entirely dependent on a long term relatively stable and predictable climate pattern as a species?

That means absolutely nothing. Climate change (which is happening whether you like it or not) is real. It’s only a question of if we can or want to do anything about it.

Anecdotes about a desert city mean nothing. Those same cities have experienced their hottest recorded temps this year. Care to talk about that, or just rail against “they”.

Well my weather app says high of 85 today, but only high of 84 tomorrow.

Better go sleep on the couch Global Warming, b/c you been uhhhDEBUNKED!!!

Yes King… science been real quiet since you posted that

Arizona you say? Hundreds die of heat in Maricopa. This is with modern conveniences.


Chicago’s summers have been getting hotter over time, with the average temperature increasing by 1.4 degrees since 1970

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