Jewish Accomplishments Thread

Happy late Columbus Day everyone!

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It doesn’t exist anymore

Enrico Fermi and Albert Einstein

Not too shabby!!!

I would recommend the movie Jo Jo Rabbit to everyone. It does a great job of shining a light on how ridiculous anti semitism is. There is a great scene in there that reminds me of this thread where they list great Jewish people of the past.

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I love that movie. Certainly in my top 5 funniest movies of all time.

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Yes Top 5 for sure. It does a great job of handling the serious while keeping the comic edge. The kid actors are good but i was blown away by Scarlett Johansson.

Yeah totally agree on all points. When something is so awful, it is better to see the humor in it and point out how absurdly stupid the Nazis were. For too long they were built up to be the epitome of evil. When in fact they were small and stupid people who happened to get in charge.

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Unfortunately a lot of these small minded and stupid people are far more focused on what they want to achieve come hell or high water. Why many ( sociopath’s and psychopaths) rise to power in government and private enterprise. They have this energy and focus their psychopathy, gives them ( for achieving power or being able to influence it by being near it to do so, and usually not in good way for the rest of humanity sake but for theirs) which makes them very dangerous personalities and lead to catastrophic results for all i.e., ( Hitler, Stalin etc)

Getting back to your question why, I haven’t seen anyone throw out the one reason I sure thought would have popped up in this thread by now…

Why are the Jews so successful in academia and business on per capita basis…because they are God’s chosen people !

Well the standard answer is that their religion isn’t one of faith but of study. Christians believe but the Jews study the Torah.

They are not genetically superior but their very essence is one of rigorous study and learning.

But they are without question the most successful people to walk this planet. No people have endured more and achieved more.

In terms of them being God’s chosen people, as Golda Meir said if they were God’s chosen people why did he give them the only land in the Middle East without oil.

I dunno…to learn to face challenges and overcome obstacles ?

Hmmm…okay, I learned something new then…that’s never registered with me before. So how do Jews view faith or do they not think much about it ? And then follow up would be how do Muslims treat faith ?

Believing in one all powerful God
Its called the Jewish Fairh for a reason. They stidy their faith

Not genetically superior?

Perhaps you were never in a locker room with any Jewish men because that is the most foolhardy statement that I ever read.

Perhaps you should study the filmography of Ron Jeremy.


Now we know the source of the anti semitism.

Ok they have faith and they believe in God. But their religion is one of rigorous study of the torah. Their culture is built around study and succeeding academically. They fascinate me.

No group of people have faced more hardships and endured more. Yet here they are and no matter the metric, they grossly out perform what should be expected statistically.

People are afraid to look at their success as a people. Why not figure out what they are doing and replicate it. There is definitely something special about them.

:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: Come again?

So is that implying Christians don’t study the Bible or Muslims the Quran or Hindus the Veda as intensely ?

Too much stuffing the face on Friday’s with fried fish and not enough nose in the book ?

I’d be curious if some of the resident Jews here would chime in on the intensity of study in their faith.

In terms of the great lengths of history, no people have been persecuted more. From Babylon, to Egypt, to the Romans, to the Muslims to the Nazis and back to the muslims, they have faced eradication.

They shouldn’t be here. How they are here and thriving is a miracle.

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Yea, sure, uh huh.

You aren’t a Holocaust denier are you?

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