India Has World's Largest Population It Has Passed China's

The Indian Government is upset in how the German Magazine Der Speigel depicted it. By using this cartoon.


America is No 3, we need get busy folks and surpass India. :crazy_face:

China’s population is in freefall.

China’s first population drop in six decades sounds alarm on demographic crisis | Reuters

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330 million is fine. Most of India lives in poverty.


So you ain’t going to get busy? :laughing:

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I will say every Indian i have meet in America says that is why they will never go back

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When I was in Mumbai, it was shocking to see how impoverished so many people are. There were 4 or 5 year old children on the street without a stitch of clothes on. There were people – hordes of people – living in boxes or lean to type shelters. There would be a huge mansion with many people living on the street in make do shelters next to them. I have seen poverty all over the world, but nothing like that.

I had a car and driver assigned to me for the week I was there on business (my company had an office there). He was at my beck and call to take me anywhere I wanted at any time. I would go back to the hotel early and tell him he was off for the night and you would have thought I had given him a vacation. I had gotten some Indian money when I arrived and when I went to the airport I still had about $50 worth so I just gave it to him and you would have thought he won the lottery. I don’t know what he was paid, but it must have been very little. I hate it when people are exploited like that.


Yeah we have several thousand employees in India. I have not been, but I have heard the same as what you have said from them.

It’s really sad, I wish it wasn’t so. I know Indian friends that said they could go back after they retired and live like kings just on social security they would draw. But they will stay here.

Yeah when we moved jobs there about 15 yrs ago, you could hire 6 people for every US or European worker. The interesting thing is it was 2 for 1 in northern Israel, because the govt subsidies companies that relocate there.

No one is exploiting anyone. You can’t compare wages from one country with another. Or labor standards.

Who said anyone was exploiting anyone?


I would say that when you pay someone a wage that they can barely survive on because there’s so many people and fewer jobs, it is exploitive. You may think otherwise. I’d just say we have different criteria or standards.

As for labor standards from one country to another you certainly can compare them. Some appear to have no regard for human life.

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We are the only country in the world that demographics isn’t destiny. China is going to implode in the next 15 years.

We are the only country that immigration is one of our cornerstones. We just let more people in or look the other way as they come in.

That is a good thing it is one of the MANY reasons the United States is the greatest country in the world. If you let people vote with their feet, they choose the United States over anyone else.

I know that prompts the “the America isn’t really great” crowd. To them I say go live somewhere else for about 5 years and report back how well you like it. But to the rest of the world we are pretty amazing.

Our enemies control the debates in our country because they control the social media. They want us to have the same demographic time bomb they have. That is why they are trying to slow down immigration. But more people coming to the United States is a good thing.

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Looks like your company is the one taking advantage of human life in India, are they paying the same wages as their counterpart in the US?

I am now retired, but companies use offshore offices for the sole purpose of cheaper labor. I didn’t like it then , nor do I like it now. However, in order to compete, it was a necessity because the clients demanded it to reduce their costs. Though we paid our engineers and designers significantly less than we pay here, they were still paid a wage that put them in the upper middle class of India and Mexico.

However, for the drivers and guys like that, it was a different story. Those are the types of people who are exploited.

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I remember hearing someone say, reference to India, that India now had a middle class of over 300 million people.

When I heard that, I was sort of like
that’s great
why don’t you tell me about the
SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION people they have who are basically living in the gutter.

India is great, insofar as it is the world’s largest democracy.

But it still has enormous problems with poverty, and as we’ve found out during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
may not be reliable as a security partner.

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They used to allow body organ sales in india not to long ago.

That was still your company that hired the driver.

Yes it was the company I worked for – I didn’t own the place. What is your problem?

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