I heard a rumor

Heard from a co-worker that the NFL/Titans actually had a hand in UH not being able to sell merch of the Love Ya Blue gear. Anybody else hear this on a local sports radio show?


I highly doubt it. Any merch would’ve had our trademarks on it and it’s not like they can prevent us from putting our logo on a particular color or color combination.




yeah, it’s extremely unlikely that the Titans were legally able to restrict the Coogs from selling the merch, but not from wearing the uniforms.

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If it said oilers or or had the oilers logo I’d agree but it doesn’t.

I don’t think luv ya blue is the oilers or trademarked. If it is then yeah. They just didn’t think they would have any positive reaction to it.

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They don’t own a trademark to Love Ya Coogs!.

It’s like when Iowa tried to take Southern Miss to court because they thought the new USM logo looked too much like theirs. Iowa lost the case because there were differences.


my uncle who works at nike told me all about it too

LUV YA BLUE is trademarked to the Houston Oilers for apparel. Registration below. Two things I find interesting. The application is dated in 2002, but Luv Ya Blue was born in 1978, 24 years earlier. The attorney of record works for the NFL.


Nothing on our Unis referenced the Houston Oilers or the NFL. You can’t own a color combination!


I just filed a trademark for the color Baby Blue. The money will start rolling in soon


You are so screwed, it is Columbia Blue.


My trademark is inclusive for, but not limited to:
Alice blue
Baby blue
Columbia blue
Jordy blue
Light sky blue
Maya blue
Pale azure
Picton blue
Sky blue
Uranian blue


Complete rumor. As long as they didn’t use any NFL trademarks, NFL couldn’t stop them. This was an issue of not anticipating demand mainly. Just so I don’t repeat myself, here’s what I said before…

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They likely let the trademark lapse at some point and then did it again in 2002. Unless no one thought to trademark it in 1978.

Oh ok, you are good then.

You should have trademarked “Luv Ya” as well. If you got that, every Japanese Beatles cover band would be paying you royalties.

She luv you, ya ya ya…

You would be rolling in it,

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From some quick googling, and contrary to what some are assuming here, color combinations and colors along with slogans can be trademarked. Look up LSU v. Smack Apparel.

Copied from another site:
“It seems odd to think that a color could be trademarked, and that’s really not the case, color can’t be trademarked, but a combination of colors can under certain circumstances. For a color combination to be eligible for a trademark, the organization in question must demonstrate that their particular color scheme has obtained “secondary meaning.” This means that through marketing and advertising, volume of sales, and the use of the mark in the media, consumer survey evidence shows that the colors have become associated with their particular organization. The trademarks for sports teams are not generally obtained formally through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Despite this fact, they are still accepted as trademarks via common law and will be upheld if challenged in court.”

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Oooooh oooooh Jackie Blue


Good, no infringement on mine….light brown to medium dark brown depending on the time of year.

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Baby Blue. Great song by Badfinger. I also like Bob Dylan’s It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue.

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I’m going to guess that in the case of the Cougars, no one would confuse them with the Oilers. Whereas Smack was intentionally marketing to the schools fans but just committing logos really.

They are still and business and still selling in school colors.