Hows the crowd look?

It is time to ban tamu91. He adds nothing to any discussion and is here solely to run down UH and our fans.


Last year when I challenged him, another poster I respect stood up for him and said, (paraphrasing here) aside from his weird fixation on taking photos of empty seats, he’s a pretty good dude.

I think the gaslighting is a bit much, but as far as toxicity goes on this board, I give it a 4 out of 10.


Chairbacks? Those empty seats belong to folks who were in the air conditioned club. Nice try goober


This quote shows a real, very real lack of a life:

" I watched ticket sales on Stubhub up until noon on the day of the game and honestly there were still a ton left on the market, you could get in for $4-6+fees all week."

You really make time for that? Really?

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The ut game will be SRO ! Scalpers will have a field day ! Still going to be a hard fought game we win !
Go Coogs !

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Honestly a tree crushed a large section of my house back in June and I am waiting on my adjuster and engineer to take it to the insurance company before I can start the rebuild process, I live in a hotel with the 4 of us in adjoining hotel rooms. My life consists of watching the channels Marriot has approved and surfing the net on my phone so I have the time.

Also its the first time I ever tried to resale tickets so I was watching the market more intently to see if it was even worth my time to post them on Stubhub. Short answer no.

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Sorry to see that ! I know getting good Contractors and materials is still tough in the DFW ! Be careful of fly by night contractors that are going to make you a deal ! No such thing.
Go B12 Coogs !

estimating the crowd size isnt fact, it is an estimate. Your estimate uses emotion since the fact released was 37,000.
Example: I “feel” the crowd was 28,000. Since you dont know the exact number you are using your feeling emotion to estimate inaccurately.


So sorry for that. Hope everything gets fixed soon.

Estimating crowds can be laughable. Like when the City of Houston has a parade and city officials “estimate” the crowd in downtown Houston at 1M.


I think a lot of the difference in estimates has to do with the side of the stadium you sit on too.

First thing I did was cut down the pine trees.

One of the many

And your level of douchiness. :slightly_smiling_face:

It was a 3.5’ diameter sweet gum, had a pine in the front yard snap off about 40 feet up and another one twist, several of my neighbors had pines land on their houses, but I had it one of the worst. I am a contractor so I am able to do all my own repairs, its just a matter of getting an insurance settlement I am happy with. I am very fortunate because the room that was totally destroyed was mostly overflow and some generic Astros World Series stuff, all my UH stuff was in the next room over.

Next room to the right through the bookshelf door.

Untouched short of some cracked drywall. I am focusing on the bright side and will be rearranging my collection and moving some non-UH stuff out to create more room so I can buy more stuff!


What time is it?

That’s brutal! Glad your family is ok!

That tree did a number in the house. Fwiw, the collection is amazing. Glad it is all essentially entact!

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@SigEpCoog2005, start a Go Fund Me, collect donations, and transfer to Colorado.

Seriously my friend, hang in there. Things will get better for you. This is a bump in the road.

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Family is good, we were in the house so we have pretty bad PTS, daughter freaks out with any thunder and we did not sleep well the first couple months. I have gained 20+ lbs. from living in a hotel and the extra stress. We are trying to get moved to an apartment which should help things out.

I don’t know if I could have taken major damage to the Cougartorium.