How Houston’s homelessness breakthrough could be a national game-changer | CNN


Unfortunately still have a lot more to do in that area.

What Houston is doing is remarkable and we have Annise Parker to thank for that. In my opinion she was one of our best mayors ever. Why she didn’t become bigger nationally is beyond me.

As the article says, Houston is a business friendly city in a purple county in a red state. It is nothing if not pragmatic.

The reason Houston is a great city is that it is a city of engineers. It sees a problem and it fixes a problem. Our detractors say that due to it being a city of engineers it has as much charm as an engineer’s office. I don’t agree with them, I think Houston is beautiful (ok not ugly). But Houston works, it is the most diverse city in America and everyone gets along.


Professional panhandlers have infested north Houston like the plague.

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Well they aren’t getting money from me. I’d rather give to orgs that fight homelessness as they can be more efficient with the money as opposed to professional panhandlers.


Really? I’ve see it get worse…way worse.

There are skid row type of tent cities all over downtown and EVERY major intersection and underpass is full of homeless and pan handlers.

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Its bad. In fact I’ve been told by a panhandler at the Whataburger on 1960 that he came all the way from Oklahoma City because word in the panhandler community was the 1960 was a good corridor. He told me he’s been back home 3 times but Houston was his home now.


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No way are we a model city…i’ve done a lot of traveling over the past 6 months (in the US and abroad) and Houston’s homeless problem is the worst i’ve seen.

Go downtown right now if you don’t believe me. This was a spin piece by CNN promoting a democrat city in a conservative state


New Orleans is worse per population.

You ever been to LA? Houston by far is not anywhere close to being the worse


Seattle and Denver are also WAAAY worse, in my experience.

Austin is investing in an actual community to help this issue. It can work, but only if they maintain their investment by actively managing it - can’t just build it and open the gates.


You obviously have not been in California.

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  • of the places i traveled recently

I’ve been to San Francisco in the last 4 years and yes, their situation is worse but Houston is catching up pretty quickly.

And then there’s Philly.

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The article isn’t saying homelessness is gone. It’s saying it is improving. You’re still going to see it. And if some spots are better than others (as mentioned above), they likely will remain full.

It’s very hard to dispute the stats in the article with anecdotal evidence. I’m not going to find that very compelling at least.


I hadn’t noticed that Houston’s homelessness population was any worse than other cities I’ve seen.

Hell, I’ve even seen panhandlers in Seoul, South Korea.


Wherever you go on vacation outside of Houston, it always seems nicer.

True but Houston is my home. It is flat, the weather in the summer sucks, prone to flooding events and hurricanes…but the people are great and I love it.

And that period from October 15 through November 30, holy crow is the weather nice.

Yea because you don’t to to the slums of the places you go on vacation, do you? Well, I guess on mission trips.

See the video of Philly. I’ve never seen that level of. homelessness in Houston.