Houston Community College to offer Bachelor Degrees

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Looks like someone is getting concerned that UH is expanding into their territories. HCC is awful. Profs there couldn’t give a single F about students and they taught with that same philosophy. Undergrad degrees from HCC wouldn’t be worth the paper they are printed on.

If you have to resort to a degree from HCC just go to TSU. TSU will admit literally anyone and at least the degree isn’t found inside of a cereal box.

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These two degrees don’t exist from a public school in the city of Houston. Where would you suggest they go?

The University of Houston does not currently offer a degree program in Healthcare Administration; however, UH-Clear Lake offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees.

I work in a tangential area of robotic process automation: having coding skills for automation will lead to excellent jobs with minimal debt. UHCL is the only school with software engineering and at the graduate level.

Lastly, as an HCC grad, I’d argue that you’re hilariously incorrect and awkwardly elitist in your take. You do realize that University of Houston was originally founded as a public Junior College, right? It’s good for the state that people have pathways for higher education.


If tsu would admit anyone they would be at 30k students - folks have always been concerned about open admissions from day one and the impact it could have if the formula can be successful but higher keeps moving the needle about retention metrics to keep them from hitting certain marks

Tsu was at 11k in 93 and if they kept that growth they would’ve been at 20k easily now but everyone now has basically found ways to get their target student free tuition, etc to stymie growth

Or imagine if the state stuck to the original mission it was supposed to be - an African American duplicate for ut which meant the same amount of professional school - no way they were going to let that happe

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That was not my experience with HCC at all. Also, some profs at HCC have also taught at UH in the past. HCC isn’t perfect for sure but it does fulfill a need.


Right on Eric. I had a great experience including great professors at a Junior College. They serve a purpose. You get your “generals/two years” transfer the credits to a University and you have saved a ton of money.
Spending your first two years at a University is IMO again just mine one of the biggest rip off ever created. I will add that spending your first two years at a JC teaches you an invaluable lesson. Discipline that is. JC teach you to get A’s so you can get your credits transferred. It also answer a main question. Is school really for me?
College experience? How is your bank account? How much money could you have saved? At the end you get your U of H degree and it does not say you saved two years of expensive tuition.
University tuition is out of control. Who’s fault is it?
#1 Parents for being irresponsible to not send their children to a JUCO.
#2 Universities administrations for jacking up cost. I will add to this that they are hard
to blame if suckers take the bait and waste money.
#3 Credit cards companies/banks for exploiting children…yes children
U of H wants to fight back JUCO as a business? Offer the same. Lastly I can’t think of one country that has a JUCO and University system. Trade schools? I am all for it but it is another discussion altogether.

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I took some courses at HCC and the professors care about education. Most of them have great credentials and teach to give back to the students. I’d argue that’s where I learned to actually study.

We don’t offer healthcare administration. UHCL does and I’d argue UH should offer it as well but a good reason they only offer it at CL is to share the students to that campus also.

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UHCL is slowly becoming a badass little hang. Very nice rec center and engineering building.

There plan in the way distant future is to get involved in athletic

They are now reclassified as a Carnegie R3 PhD school. It’s great for the state, for sure.

`Yea that’s fine and dandy, but you couldn’t do that for all degrees. Like Architecture, you need 5 years of studio classes that you can’t take at an HCC, or heck, even ATM.

Just throwing my two cents in here – I didn’t go to HCC, but when they cared, my professors at San Jac cared much more deeply about student success and teaching in general than my professors at UH or Auburn. It was a hit-and-miss experience and some of them couldn’t care less about their job, but among the hits were some of the best professors I had.

Did my basic courses at HCC before transferring to UH main campus. It was many years ago, but my experience was also mostly positive both on and off campus (I got involved with student orgs & intramural sports).

As some ppl on here have pointed out, many of my professors were also teaching at UH Main Campus.

Some community colleges have their own undergraduate research labs with very nice grant funded equipment.

The thing is, community colleges are plagued with pHDs who wish to never sniff an academic journal again, let alone type out a research grant.

A ton of benchtop work could take place at a community college, they choose not to. Im certain a small college somewhere is drafting papers and grants actively?

They’re places for teaching and that’s okay.

I took my math and accounting courses at HCC, as well as a science course. I found it very helpful, as math is no my strong suit and accounting is much easier to learn in a class of 20 than a class of 200 (at least for me it was).

Now, I will say I read an article recently that said community colleges have gone down in quality and that while at one point they were used as way stations by students looking to reduce costs to attend 4 year schools, they have now become the starting points for kids to catch up on subjects they never learned in high school. As a result, the student quality has gone down as well.

Unfortunately, I think you get some of both experiences at HCC.