Houston Astros 2023 Season on a daily roll


3d easiest SOS.
11 at home/ 9 on road.
3 left v Oak/ 6 left v KC.

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As it turned out, the game was lost in the 2nd inning. There was nothing Dusty could have done differently that would have altered the outcome. The Padres scored 11 runs, but they only needed 3 runs to win the game.

Stark realities about the Astros. They exploit average to above average pitching. Sometimes they can beat good pitching, but they typically struggle against really good to great pitching.

We saw that with Snell. Brown wasn’t able to counter, neither was Urquidy.

The puzzle for the Astros to solve is twofold: how to field an effective SP staff suffering with tired arms and how to win at home. IMO, losing home games is a mental issue, which should be the easiest to overcome, but for some strange reason they have yet to solve.

Other than that
winning is a piece of cake.


Good afternoon gentlemen.

Let’s get some positive vibes going for tonight’s game by posting a picture of former Astros you personally enjoyed watch play
.doesn’t have to necessarily be your favorite player.


Five tools


6 tools if you count looking good doing it.


Maniacal at the hot corner. Fearless. Saw him take a liner off his calf and didn’t even flinch. Walked up the next inning and hit a 3-run homer.


Broke my 10-year-old Little League 2nd baseman heart when they traded him.


Remember how he used to flap his wing at the plate?
He want on to be part of the Big Red Machine.


Flapped it to remind himself to keep it up.
I mailed that card to Cincy asking for Joe to sign it, got a “previously signed” photo instead. Still have it.



Terry Puhl. He’s as smooth as they come and saved Ryan’s 5th no hitter with an amazing catch.


Dubon in CF and Maldonado catching. :rage:


Rays walk it off against Seattle!!!


As a kid it was awesome when the Astros hit a HR in the dome

great memories.

I’m sure some of us have been in the dome at the same time.


Switching over to the Stros tonight is best for morale.

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Astros losing. Coogs losing.

Totally not what I was expecting tonight.

Will if the Astros lose tonight we can’t say Dusty’s lineup has nothing to do with it

Fielder’s choices, strikeouts and pop ups are not going to get it done

Crazy little thing called statistics always have a way of working themselves out.

TWO 20+ HR guys with OPS’s over .800 have a better shot of producing than A utility play and one of the worst hitters in baseball.

Crazy right?


Astros up 6-4 in B5.

Abreu making up for disappointing season.

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Hopefully he has figured it out so that he is productive next year

And thanks for the score update Goose.

Between the football team and the Astros I had switched over to UFC


This is an important home stand in terms of sustaining confidence and pride. To be as talented as they are and play .500 or less at home is communicating a weakness to your competition. A SP issue is one thing. Don’t compound it with the inability to win at MMP.